The Good Ship Friendship's sailing

Start from the beginning

"Well, who is it for?" she asked probing curiously.

Coughing, he replied lowly. "My little brother's wife."

"Why in the world are you buying your brother's wife a pregnancy test?" Asked the cashier having heard their unwanted conversation.

"Probably because he's banging her." Laughed a man in the line.

He watched as the lady looked disappointed and the cashier looked amused.

"Is that why you're wearing a face mask?" Interrogated the woman. "Do you even love your brother?"

Horrified, Jonghyun vehemently defended. "Of course, I love him."

"Just not as much as you love his wife." Joked the man in the back. The other customers and the cashier laughed at that.

Fed up and embarrassed, Jonghyun shouted. "I wouldn't even be here doing this shit if he would've just pulled out or used a damn condom. I'm being a good hyung right now and doing something he should be!"

At that, they all stopped laughing, as he huffed in frustration. He watched as another employee came with the price for the pregnancy test and the cashier quietly imputed the information.

He quickly paid and grabbed his bags and headed for the door.

"Congratulations on becoming a father-uncle!" Shouted the same annoying asshole, now a little closer to the front of the line.

"Fuck you!" Fumed Jonghyun, as he lifted his hand and gave the man a middle finger.

"Save it for your brother's wife, buddy." Came the man's smartass reply.

Mumbling curse words, Jonghyun left out the grocery store and jumped in his car headed to Taemin's parent's. Pissed at himself that he had really volunteered to put himself through such embarrassment and vowing never to do it again.

This was a job that had been better suited for Key.

Kikah's POV:

The house was quiet, everyone except me had gone to bed. I sat up waiting for Jong to pull up. After what felt like forever, I got a text from him letting me know he was outside. Slipping on my house shoes, I crept down the stairs trying not to wake anyone.

I could hear him grumbling about some asshat at the grocery store through the closed door. I tried not to laugh. Already knowing what more than likely happened when he went to grab that test for me. It never failed that things like that always happened to him. As quietly as I could, I unlocked the door and opened it. Even in the dark I could tell that Jonghyun's face was red.

Whatever had happened must have been pretty bad, pretty embarrassing, or both. Silently, he handed me a bag, as he held onto the other two and walked passed me.

Not uttering one word.

"Well, hello to you too." I grumbled, locking the door. We both headed up the stairs to the guest room. I immediately opened the bag and scanned through the weird items before finding what I needed and disappearing into the bathroom.

I sat down on the toilet slightly confused as to why in the hell Jonghyun had bought steaks and gochujang, but happy that he had bought me the latest edition of Cosmo. Unwrapping the test, I took it out and peed on it. Then placed the cap over the top and set it on the sink counter. Getting up, I flushed and washed my hands.

After leaving the bathroom, I found Jonghyun sitting in a chair by the window. Looking up at me, he smiled. "So, how long is it supposed to take?"

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