"Oh shit, are you guys closed?" I heard a familiar voice and my head popped up.

My heart stopped and I gulped as the girl I grew a huge crush on shifted on her feet. I stood up causing the chair to scrape loudly which only caused me to embarrassingly grab it too quickly. It fell and I groaned causing her to laugh softly as she held onto her bag.

"Shit, uh well yeah we kinda are but I'm still here." I set the chair upright and my bang tickled my forehead.

"Oh, I can leave I don't wanna be a bother-"

"Nah, it's okay I'll make you one. Regular latte, right?" I realized I still had my apron on and took it off before fiddling with my messy bun.

"Uhm yeah, thank you." She stuffed her hands into her pockets as her satchel laid against her hip.

Everything about this girl was so damn cute, I was gonna go crazy if I didn't get to actually speak to her.

"Who can say no to coffee?" I smirked and she smiled before letting out a breathy laugh.

I rang her up and she got her wallet out all the while I reached over to turn on the machine. It took a few long seconds to get everything in order and I filled it up. Her coffee was my favorite to make. When I poured my leaf I learned from my mom I bit my lip before wiping the sweat from my forehead. These machines got hot as hell especially when the bar counter was so enclosed together.

"Oh shit, I actually don't have any change.. the bag is already put up." I sighed and shook my head before just ringing it up on my tab.

"Never mind, I'll just put it on my accoun-"

"No, no uh-" She stalled a bit and looked at the already made coffee. "I'm sorry, I'll pay you back." She laughed and I put it on my tab while she handed me the five dollar bill.

"Thanks." I chuckled shyly as I tried my hardest not to stare at her like a creep.

"No, uh thank you." She took the cup and took a sip as she started to back up.

"Still amazing as ever, thanks sweets." She called out and my heart pounded against my rib cage.

"Enjoy!" I practically yelled out when she started to walk out with a cute smile on her lips.

"God your smile is so fucking cute!" I squealed to myself and softly hit the counter in romantic frustration.

I turned to my books and breathed out a cry as my heart clenched at how fucking terrible studying was. I just wanted her to come back into this shop and talk to me more, to show me interest. To say, oh hey, you have a cute face too, wanna make out? Or just like, help me with my studies cause the looks of it she looked like she had her shit together.

I then started to think, what if she was one of those student prodigies who excelled in shit. If not she was very wealthy and carried herself a different way. I didn't know but I wanted to, I almost needed to in a way cause she was driving me crazy. I noticed more and more shit about her each day she came in and I swear every time she got even cuter.

"She called me sweets." I giggled happily to myself and I heard the break room door swing open.

I clicked my pen and looked behind me thinking I was the only one here, "Oh hey, Joe." I waved slightly causing him to rest his hands on his hips.

"Hey." My boss inhaled sharply before clearing his throat.

"You locking up right?" He asked and I nodded as I tapped my textbooks with the pen.

"Uh yeah."

"Okay cool.." He smiled and started to make his way to the door.

Coffee Shop (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now