What Will I Have Left

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In the matter of days since I was taken I was tied to a chair and basically waited out for the vervain to leave my system. I was compelled to sit and stay unless directed other wise. I've been force to sit and listen to someones screams as they tortured them. A woman sat in the room with me as she flipped through my grimore that was in my bag. They must of found something interesting, because they stood up and rushed out of the room my spell book in hand. Next thing I knew the same woman who compelled me showed up in front of me. "Follow me" she compelled breaking the ropes and I nodded following her out of the room.

My breathing sped up as I trembled where I stood. My eyes locked with Hayley's as she called out "Salem? What are you doing here? Wheres Hope?" I couldn't speak as I followed the woman in to the room. "You're going to do this spell when she gets here" The woman spoke and I looked down at my grimore to see the old spell I got out of my mother's grimoire. It's to hide a person's werewolf side. "No." I spoke but she turned and stabbed Hayley more before piercing her chest with her hand as she grabbed her heart. "Yes." She said, "Or I'll rip her heart out right now" I gulped as I looked at Hayley who nodded at me. "Okay!" I snapped. "I'll do it, but leave Hope out of it" I told her and she just laughed.

Next thing I knew the door opened and Hope's voice gasped. "Mom?.. Salem?" She asked and tears filled my eyes as she rushed over hugging me tightly. "I thought you were gone" she whispered but I sniffled and kissed her head. Pulling back I took a couple steps back as I was compelled to do, and she looked at me weirdly. We both turned to Hayley who breathed out Hope. I closed my eyes as tears fell from them. Hope turned back to Roman who put the anti-magic shackles on her and whispered "I'm so sorry."

"Hope" I said and she turned to me confused. "You need to back up The Hollow.." I trailed off and she nodded backing away from Hayley. She looked at me and I gulped. "What's going on?" Hope asked and I spoke "He's the one that led them to me in the church attic." Hope turned to Roman, "But how did you know where she was?" she asked but then it dawned on her, "You got inside my head. The first day you touched me. When you tucked my hair behind my ear. You were really just trying to figure out where my sister was hidden."

Roman looked at be and then her "Hope, look, I know this looks bad, okay? But if you just do the binding spell" Hayley then called out "Binding spell? What's he talking about?" I cleared my throat and said " if Hope doesn't do the binding spell I-I have to, then they'd let you live." I told her. "Greta said that?" Hayley asked and I nodded, "I-It's just so Hope can't make any more hybrids. Our movement is about getting the natural order back. That's all my mom wants." Roman told us

"Wait. Greta's your mom?" Hope asked an angery tone in her voice. The chains on her wrists clattered and Hayley fought her roped as she grunted "Untie me, now!" Roman just tells her "I can't. Okay? Just do the binding spell, and you'll be fine." Hope looked at me and then Roman, "Nothing will be fine for you unless you untie me." Hayley snapped.

"You realize that your mother is insane." I asked and Roman looked at me. "It's not insane to defend yourself, okay? Werewolves kill to trigger their curse. None of them are innocent. But at least they're a naturally occurring species. Hybrids are a perversion. Look at Klaus. And-and Henry was a hybrid for less than a day before he murdered someone. They're just unnatural." He practically spat at me.

 "Well, um, at least I know how you really feel." Hope breathed and I sighed. "Hybrids have a choice, too, Roman." I spoke up. "I was a hybrid before it was taken away from me. Uh, we all have free will. Klaus did whatever he did not because he's a hybrid, but because he's Klaus. Henry is just a kid. Eventually, he'll learn self-control."

"Salem." Hope spoke and I looked at her, "What?" I asked, "Henry's dead." I grew a confused face, "What happened?" I asked and Hope looked everywhere but at me, "They tore his heart out and strung him up outside Rousseau's." Hayley then asked "Who did?" Hope shrugged, "No one knows." I bit my lip and called out "I bet Roman's mother does."

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