A View To A Kill

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I sat on the couch as my Uncle Stefan passed back and forth, arguing with himself mostly. "Of course!..Of course! If he sired your bloodline what are we gonna do!.. Maybe your wrong and he will still die!" He went on and on and I just sighed as I crossed my leg over the other
Stelfully pulling my phone out I typed "Phase one complete" and sent it to Klaus putting my phone in my pocket, He growled and left me sitting there.

As the next day came around I laid on the couch starring a the ceiling
I sighed as I got up grabbing a small vial from the mini fridge in my room
traveling downstairs I stopped as I listened to Klaus and my father argue

Klaus: You know, none of this would be an issue if you'd have just done your job properly. I was perfectly willing to let you train Jeremy.
Damon: No, you weren't. Are you kidding? You got there day two. Do you know how hard it is to get these Xbox brains to focus?
Klaus: And then when I turned a room full of barflies into vampires for him to slaughter, you let Kol kill them.
Damon: Your brother problem, not mine, buddy.
Klaus: And whose bright idea was it to saddle Jeremy with a conscience, hmm?
Damon: Well, we couldn't have him trying to stake Elena in her sleep, now, could we?
Klaus: Ah, yes, for the love of Elena. How is it that she manages to overlook every horrific thing you've ever done? Is it willful ignorance, or perhaps something more pathological?

I rolled my eyes as I continued to listen
Damon: Some people are just more capable of forgiveness than others. Bet you score about a negative 500 in that realm.
Klaus: Come on. There must be a secret. It can't just be the sire bond. What is it? Compulsion? Manipulation? What is it you say to her?

Damon: I think this has something to do with a certain blonde vampire. I think you murdered Carol Lockwood, and
I think you're worried that Caroline's never going to forgive you.
Klaus: You've done worse. I mean look at your own daughter
Damon: Debatable. See, I don't mind being the bad guy, because somebody has to fill that role and get things done.
You do bad things for no reason. You do them to be a dick.
Klaus: Debatable.
Damon: If you're gonna be bad, be bad with a purpose. Otherwise, you're just not worth forgiving.
I listen as he lies back down and sighs

I took a deep breathe as I came in
"Alright blood time" I called out faking a smile,"My favorite time of the day" Daddy says and I giggle. "Little Salvatore" Klaus said and I smiled at him, "Niklaus" I said and turned to my father handing him a vial through the bars "Thanks Sale" Daddy said.

My phone buzzes and Klaus stares at me as I look at it
'Does Elena know I "Sired" your blood line'
I quickly texted Kol back, 'I told my father I think you did I don't know if they told Elena or not
Nik knows the place duh. I am a genius'

I nervously smile at Klaus then turn and see Dad looking at me too. I slowly walk away as I collapse on the couch sighing. I flashed up stairs to grab my journal I open it to write in it when I herd phone ring
I bit my lip as I listened in

Klaus: Well, if it isn't the happy homicidal maniac.
Kol: Did you know that your darling former blood bag and her brother are trying to kill me?
Klaus: What?
Kol: Don't pretend like you're not in on it. Your obsession to find the cure clearly trumps any sibling loyalty you once felt.
Klaus: I don't know what you're talking about.
Kol: I'm going to rip off Jeremy's arm and kill Elena just for sport. Then I'm coming for you.

I sighed as I slammed my journal shut and groaned, I got my phone out as I called him getting up and pacing as it rang. "Yes Darling?" Kol's voice echoed through the line
"I make this thoroughly thought out plan and now your going to ruin it" I said and groaned
"I'm sorry but this has to be done Silas can't be raised"
"Kol you don't get it only a Bennett or a Warren witch can do the spell Bonnie and I are the only ones If she can't do magic she can't open it" I said
It was silent as I herd a crash
"Kol don't do anything stupid please" I said sighing
"I'm sorry darling but I love you" He said and the line went dead

I abruptly got up
traveling down the stairs Klaus flashed up grabbing my shoulders compelling me, "Stay here for the night Little Salvatore i'll be back in the morning" He said and I nodded as he flashed out
I flashed back to my room as I laid there sighing. I must of fallen asleep as I yawned sitting up checking my phone I had 10 missed calls from Klaus. Unlocking my phone my thumb hovered over Niklaus in my contacts until I herd who was here

Jeremy: It didn't work.
Bonnie: It took time for Finn's line to die off, remember? It'll work.

'what...' I thought
I looked down at my phone as it buzzes with a text from Rebekah
'Kol is dead i'm sorry Salem'

Jeremy: What if it doesn't?
Damon: Where's that Gilbert optimism?

Damon: Hi.
Damon: Sorry I missed all the excitement.
Elena: I'm just happy to see you.

The front door opens and then closes as uncle Stefan's voice echoed through the house
Stefan: Looks like I didn't miss much. Got the Silas headstone.
Elena: We're just waiting for Jeremy's mark to grow.

Elena: Klaus is trapped in our living room.
Bonnie: Temporarily. I drew on the new moon to bind the spell. We've got three days to find that cure – four, max.
Jeremy: If we don't, we might as well look up Katherine Pierce and see if she wants some company in hiding, 'cause he will come after us.
Elena: We'll find it. Now that we've got Rebekah taken care of, all we need is professor Shane, and then we'll have everything we need.
Stefan: Yeah, I didn't, uh... I didn't dagger her.
Elena: What? Why not?
Stefan: I didn't need to. She's on our side.
Elena: On our side? Did you really just say that?
Stefan: Yeah, she handed over the headstone. I mean, she wants to find this cure more than any of us.
Elena: Why would you possibly think that we could trust her?
Damon: Let me guess, she pledged her allegiance to you while you were naked in the sack?

Everyone went silent.

Stefan: I bet you were just dying to get that out, weren't you, Damon?

Damon: Oh, was that supposed to be a secret? Maybe you should have made that a little clear while you were bleeding me dry in our cellar.
Stefan: Yeah, to keep you from killing Jeremy.
Elena: Stop it, both of you.
Stefan: Now, why don't you tell her to calm down, Damon? You've managed to use that sire bond pretty well so far, haven't you?

Jeremy: It's happening.

I felt this pain in my chest as it became unbearable I scattered to my feet, and  my knees gave out as I fell on the floor. Soon I felt the wind in my hair as my father stands over me
Uncle Stefan and Elena soon enter the room too. "Is she okay?" Elena asks
"S-she tried to tell me she thought Kol sired her blood line" Uncle Stefan said softly but no one said anything "I-it hurts" I said softly
"What hurts Sale?" My father asked my and I grabbed my chest
I closed my eyes as I saw my mother

"M-momma whats happening?" I questioned her
"The hunter's mark is complete your true powers are coming in" She said smiling
"Accept them honey close your eyes and accept them"

I closed my eyes as I whispered "Do your worst" I shot up with a gasp as the lamp on my bed stand explodes making me jump. Everyone starred at me as I smirked "What?" I asked, "Y-You died you desiccated" Elena stuttered. "I got my full powers" I said as I made the lights flicker

Damon's Daughter//Completed |1|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora