Dangerous Liaisons

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I went into the bathroom to grab my brush coming back out. I was grabbed by my throat and thrown onto my bed and held down. Flipping it so I was on top holding them down the dark veins came under my eyes, "Seriously!?" I said and he just smirked at me and I let him go and got up. "Come on darling! it was a little bit of fun" Kol called out, "Ever cross your mind that I was still mad at you?" I asked. "How could you be mad at this?" He asked referring to himself
I rolled my eyes at him and he held an envelope out and smiled
I went to take it but he held it away from me, "I'm sorry I tried to kill you all those years ago" He said and I smiled. "That's all I wanted thank you" I said and he handed me the envelope that says 'Salem Mikealson' On it.

I opened my mouth to say something, "Yeah yeah You don't go by mikealson here I don't care" He said. "You know if they catch you here it will get very messy" I said as I went back into my bathroom  Brushing through my hair Kol came up behind me with a picture I kept, "I remember this" He said showing me. It was a picture of us in New Orleans at a party
"Me too" I said
"What ever happened to Kalin?" He asked me, "Rebekah killed him" I said as I took the picture from him I walked out of the bathroom to put it back in my hidding place

"Ah. Bekah" He said and I rolled my eyes at him, I sighed as I went to my wardrobe to pick out a dress for tonight. Hands went on my waist as I was spun around, "Come on Live a little darling. You will be much satisfied" He smirked. "Kol" i started but was cut off by his lips on mine, I herd the door open and my hair was blown as he flashed away. I left myself smile and blush as I got a dress from the back of my closet. I found my shoes and showered before I got and ready, I opened the envelope and smiled as I flipped it over.

Save Me a Dance -Kol

Arriving at the Mikealson Mansion I took off my jacket and slid my gloves up higher. I guess I came in just in time as I herd Elijah's voice.

Elijah: Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance.Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.

I spotted Kol and I guess he spotted me too as he came over and took my hand to go dance
The song started and I smiled as we looked at each other. Kol twirled me and Caroline and I ended up switching but she went to Matt instead. I danced with Niklaus, "Reminds me of old times" He said. "I know" I said smiling, "I remember little you running up and saying 'We need to dance its tradition' no one would dance with you so you pouted and Kol took pity on you and danced with you" Niklaus said and I smiled. "I was so stubborn before" I said
"Before you still are!" He said and I laughed as the song ended

I walked away and Kol came up to me, "What are you up too?" I asked smiling
"What do you mean?" He asked. "You have your up to something smirk" I said and poked his cheek, "Its nothing actually" He said. "Well if it's nothing i'll be at the bar" I said and kissed his cheek before leaving and going to the bar.

Of course they wouldn't sell me anything so I compelled my way through, Three burbon whiskeys later I walked near the stairs as Ester started talking. Kol came up next to me and We smiled at each other.

Esther: Good Evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy then to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!

Kol handed me one and I had a weird feeling about it but drank it anyways


He went off to find Rebekah and My father came over, "Where have you been all night?" He asked. "Here there everywhere" I replied with smiling giggling a bit, He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "Don't drink too much Sale" He said and walked away

When he walked away Klaus came up handing me my bracelet back "Oh my gosh I remember this" I said inspecting it. "Yeah the princess you stole it from" He said chuckling, "I didn't steal it she gave it too me when she died" I said and we both laughed. We herd people gasping and talking we looked over to see everyone outside. We followed the crowd to see Kol on the ground and Daddy going to leave, "I should go after him i'll be back" I said and flashed off after my father.

I didn't find him so I changed into some pajama pants and a shirt going back downstairs. I poured myself a drink leaving the glass there I drank from the whiskey bottle. I finished the bottle as I was then pushed to the wall Kol smirked at me, "Miss me darling?" He asked and he put his lips on mine and he licked my bottom lip begging for an entrance. I let him in as we had a heated make out session before taking it upstairs.

When we finished I kissed him again before getting up and putting my clothes back on Kol did as well before we laid back down and he kissed my head. I fell asleep in his arms 

My 14 year old self was all as I came home from school sniffling from crying. I had dirt on my face from falling on the ground and dirt on my dress. Elijah found me first and knealed down as I was really short back then. "What happened Little Salvatore?" He asked before sniffing around
I shook as my head because I wouldn't say anything. Bekah came out and took my hand "Come on Sale I'll clean you up" She said and I let her take me upstairs. She set me on my bathroom counter "How tell me what happened" She said as she wet a cloth to clean me up. I shook my head and she sighed "Fine but you will have to tell some one" She said and wiped my face I jerked back as she went over a cut. "I'm sorry sweetheart" she said and wiped around the cut to clean the dirt off. After she cleaned my face off she sent me off to my room to change
I sat on my bed writing in my journal 'They threw rocks at me today saying how much of a freak I am' My own voice read, A knock came to my door before It came open closing behind him.

Kol knealed down in front of me, "Bekah told me you wouldn't tell anyone what happened but you can tell me darling" He said taking my hands. I shook my head
He lifted my head and compelled me, and I told him the story of the town/village boys and a girl who threw rocks at me calling me a witch and a freak for not having parents like them, "See it wasn't that hard" He said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

The dream altered to me standing beside a door leaning on a wall listening, "You had no right to compel her Kol" He said loudly his tone full of anger. I clutched my pendent in my hand that was around my neck, "She wouldn't tell any one what happened she looked like she saw a ghost!" Kol yelled back. "It is true brother" Elijah's voice called out and The three brothers bickered Rebekah stayed quiet while I listened from outside. "Well did she say who it was!?" Klaus called out, "She said it was boys and a girl in the town she goes to school with" Kol said. I quietly sighed as I stuck away back into my room. When the next morning came I got ready for school
"I'm leaving now!" I called as I opened the door to leave, I turned and closed it behind me turning around I jumped putting a hand on my heart. "Kol you scared me!" I said and he smirked laughing. "Where do you think your going?" He asked me
"To school" I replied with fixing the strap on my shoulder

"Not without me" He said walking beside me, "I have no time for your games I'm going to be late" I said Pushing past him. "You mean were gonna be late" He said following me "Whatever" I said as I walked ahead of him. When school ended the boys and girl who picked on me yesterday came up to me. "Hey freak" One of the boys said pushing me, "Leave me alone" I said pushing him back he fell to the floor and they all ganged up on me. I laid on the ground as they shrieked in fear and fleeing from me. "Salem! Salem are you okay?" Kol's voice called as he helped me up, "I'm fine" I said and we walked back home. Walking into the house Niklaus approached us and I engulfed him in a hug smiling, "I'm fine" I said and went off to my room writing in my journal'

Damon's Daughter//Completed |1|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ