The Killer

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My phone buzzed as I got a text from Matt
'Will you come help me open the grill Jeremy ditched'
I then texted back
'Course be there in 3'

I Threw my hair up in a pony tail as I called out, "I'll be back later" I said as I flashed to the grill opening the door. "Matt?!" I called out, and  My human instincts kicked in as no one said anything. I walked in more as A hand went over my mouth. I was thrown into the room and slid and rammed into Matt, "Salem what are you doing here?" He asked me
"You texted me" I said, "He took my phone" He said and I groaned

I noticed April and Jeremy there too, "Salem! Hand over your phone" Conner demanded
I reached into the leather jacket and pulled it out handing it too him. Conner put it in his pocket after typing on it I groaned as I started to get a headache

Connor starts pouring werewolf toxin into a glass jar. He is rigging up a bomb.
April, Jeremy, Matt and I sit together at a table. April is sobbing as I laid my head on the table, "He's clearly delusional. I mean, right? All this – all this talk about vampires, but I mean, he mentioned my dad." Matt then spoke up to say "Hey, this guy's a nut job, okay? Don't let him get in your head."

April: What if he knows something? Jeremy, did he say anything to you about why he's doing this?

Jeremy: I don't know. Maybe. Maybe I just can't remember.

Jeremy got up. and went over to Conner

Matt: Let it go. Jeremy!

I lifted my head up and watched Jeremy

Jeremy: You said we had a conversation yesterday.
Connor: Mmhmm.
Jeremy: About what?
Connor: We'll get into that. First, take a look at my handy work. Pick up some tips from the hunter's trade.
Jeremy: What is all that?
Connor: The fluid is derived from werewolf toxin. Trip the wire, bomb goes off, nails deliver a lethal dose into the bloodstream.
Jeremy: And what's the point? What do you get out of all this?
Connor: You know, I used to think that there was no 'get'; that I was just supposed to do. Kill vampires. That was until I realized that the mark held the answer to why I'm the way I am. The more I kill, the more it grows and once it's complete, I'll know my story and – and all of this will have meant something. He looked at Me, Matt, and April. Conner: Hey! We're gonna have visitors soon, you three get in the back. Get up! MOVE!"

April gets up, crying. Matt gets up and grabs April by her shoulders gently. and I just follow the two. "Before you think about any other exits, I got every door rigged. Got it?" Connor called out, as Matt lead April and I to the back of the Grill. "Matt" I called out, and  He leaned over and said "Yeah."I looked around before saying, "He has ever door ridged to go off if someone enters if anything we need to find a way out that he doesn't know" I whispered "I'll listen to see if he's coming you find a way out" I said and he nodded.

I listened as The phone at the bar rings.
Connor: We're closed.
Uncle Stefan: I want you to free the hostages.
Connor: I'll free them as soon as you give me what I want. You and everyone like you dead.
Stefan: What? So your hunter's mark can grow? (There is a stunned silence from Connor.)
Yeah, I know all about that. What it means, what you are.
Listen, if you free the hostages then you and I can have a little chat. I'll even tell you about the brotherhood of the Five.
Connor: (scoffs) That's a weak move. You must be desperate.
Stefan: Think about it, Connor. Klaus saved your life. He needs you alive. Aren't you the least bit curious why?
Connor slams the phone down on the receiver, breaking it. He shoves the phone off the bar and walks away.

Matt looks through the window into the Grill. He quickly moves to a shelf with a tool chest and opens it."When I was a kid, my dad used to tell me these scary stories about vampires." April says, and Matt pulls out some tools and moves to another shelf. "They're just stories." Matt says, and Matt pulls the shelves away from the wall. " Not to that man out there. There's something so familiar about him." I sighed and wrapped an arm around her, "Look, this is a messed up situation, but the last thing you want to do is buy into that guy's craziness." I watched as He pulls off a panel on the wall. "You're gonna be fine. We're getting out of here." I said smiling, as April was confused. "What is that?" Matt then spoke up "There used to be an exit to the old wine cellar. They bricked it over." April sighed, "So, that's it then? We're screwed." I shook my head and stood up. "No, we're not screwed."Matt grabs a nail and places it against the brick floor. He puts a towel over it and starts to hammer away at the nail. While I looked around for another hammer. after a few minutes a loud bang was herd  "Oh my God." I called out

April starts to back up and runs into Uncle Stefan. She turns around and gasps. Stefan covers her mouth and places his finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet. After he got Matt and April out he hugged me and I hugged him back, "Hurry and get out don't turn back you hear me" He whispered in my ear and I nodded. He kissed my cheek as I crawled through the panel through the wall. I went to the boarding house and laid flat on my back on the floor
Getting up I went to my room changing into my pajamas I grabbed my journal

'Today I was held hostage by a hunter of The Five.
Uncle Stefan saved me, but I just feel like what Kol told me
years ago is true. The five is dangerous and I feel like my world
will be flipped upside down as the days are gonna go by.'

I closed my journal as my Uncle walked in, " I managed to save this" He said handing me my phone. I laughed and got up hugging him, he kissed my head "Get some sleep Sale" He said and I nodded and put my Journal in its usual spot. Laying back and tried to get some sleep.

Damon's Daughter//Completed |1|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant