Night Of The Comet

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The next morning I woke up in my bed
I sighed and got up grabbed my clothes, as I quickly changed and then went to school

I sat outside on the Picnic table watching everyone around me
Then i herd
"Hey, I'm Matt your Stefan's Sister right?" he asked
"Um.. I'm his niece But sure I'm Salem Salem Salvatore"
He sat next to me and We got to know each other and laughed a lot joking around
Then another boy came up
"Wow Donovan Got yourself another lady?"
I scoffed and rolled my eyes
"No Tyler this is Salem She's Stefan Salvatore's Niece"

Smiling as he looked at me
"Tyler Lockwood"
"Salem Salvatore"
I said Smirking
The bell rang and I bit my lip
"So talk to you later?" Matt said
I nodded
"Oh yeah see you guys later"
And I went to class

After school Matt had Football so I went with him and Tyler
Standing against the fence as a boy came up
"Hey Tyler! I was uhh just wondering how vicky's doing since you guys are so close"
"Shes fine okay now leave"
I sighed
He started speaking faster
"Walk away Gilbert this is your final warning"
"No this is your final warning..Dick you hurt her one more time i swear i will kill you"

The boy walked away and Tyler turned back around
"Damn that was like a death threat you guys hear that?" he asked us
I nodded
"Who even was that?" I asked him
"Jeremy Gilbert" He said in a low voice
I nodded
Then I saw herd Uncle Stefan
"Come on Salem lets go"
"Well Sorry guys but I have to leave! Bye!" i called
"Bye Sale" Tyler called

I smiled and walked to the edge of the grass
and Flashed away back to the boarding house with uncle Stefan
I walked in and Daddy smirked
"Welcome home"
I rolled my eyes and got a glass of Bourbon
"So is this what your doing now staying here"

Daddy Ignored my question
"How was school"
I sipped on my Bourbon
"Boring Same old boring school"
I finished the glass
As the boy's bickered
I rolled my eyes

"Tonights The night of the Comet" I said
No one listened so i shrugged
I downed another glass
I went upstairs and grabbed my leather jacket
Pulling it on i then left the house going down in town square

It started to get dark and Matt handed me a candle
"Thank you" i said
He helped me light it and Elena Caroline and Bonnie
came over
Uncle Stephan came over and i lit his and Him and ELena watched the comet
while i stayed with Matt and Caroline

After the Comet passed Caroline left to go somewhere
while me and Matt went th the grill
Matt has become like my Big Brother I love it
We walked up to the table where everyone was
Tyler smiled at me and i smiled back I have a feeling
Tyler will become another brother to me

Jeremy came up and asked
"Has anyone seen vicky?"
"Your her stalker why dont you tell us?"
I groaned and rolled my eyes More fighting
I zoned out until i herd
"Why don't you both shut up and help me find my sister"
I went with Tyler as we searched for Vicky

We couldn't find her so we started joking around
I whistled her her and went
"Here vicky vicky vicky"
I made tyler laugh
"Shes not a dog" he said and pushed me a bit
I giggled and he gave me a piggy back ride back to the others

Matt was putting a bandage on Vicky's neck
Tyler let me down on my feet
and I saw Uncle stefan
"Im gonna go home night guys"
"Night Salem!" Caroline and Bonnie called
Tyler hugged me and I hugged him back and said goodbye
I did the same to Matt and then left with my Uncle.

We got home and i had a blood bag and a glass of bourbon
before writing in my journal and going to sleep.  

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