An Unblinking Death

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Four months after leaving the town of Mystic Falls
A town I came to know as home for many reasons Uncle Stefan and I got our own place
in another town in another state than Virgina
But I'm afraid even being away from Mystic our hearts can't agree
We fought and argued so many times that he told me to never show my face around him again
So I packed my things and I left for a town that I can actually be myself in
a town I have not been to in a while

New Orleans.

I yawned as I changed after showering and blow drying my hair. I herd the sound of things being thrown. Flashing downstairs and into the front room type thing Klaus was throwing books around, "Can I help you find something?" Elijah asked and smiled at me "Morning Salem" I smiled back, "Morning" I said sitting on the couch. " Yes, in fact, I believe you can. I'm looking for a book, about yea big, filled with our mother's most powerful spells. It appears to have been misplaced." Klaus said and I ducked as he threw one that almost took my head off. Elijah sits at the desk as he says "How very mysterious."

" Indeed. At first, I feared the witches had succeeded in their efforts to obtain it, but,considering their last attempt ended with me relieving a rather large, tattooed gentleman of his hands, I began to wonder if the thief wasn't a bit closer to home. Don't make this harder than it needs to be, brother." Niklaus asked.

"Well, admittedly, I did have a theory that your sudden interest in mother's grimoire was in some way related to whatever foolishness you've been conducting with the Crescent wolves.
Therefore, I took it upon myself to carefully place it where naughty little fingers could not pry." Elijah said and winked at me making me smirk. " And here I thought you, of all people, would understand. I am simply trying to help those wolves! Play Samaritan to the abused. Champion to the underdog, so to speak." Klaus said and I rolled my eyes sighing. " How splendidly noble of you." Elijah said. " Have you ever considered that, like you, I am trying to keep Hayley safe?
Using our mother's magic to empower her people so they are capable of protecting her?" Klaus said before adding "Besides Salem is here now she can help too"

Elijah stood up and walked toward him "Yes, unless, of course, they decide to seek retribution for decades held in exile, and Hayley will find herself in the middle of an uprising. One that will only provoke further violence. You see, you risk turning New Orleans into a war zone, brother. I won't let that happen." I smirked and nodded,  "Alls fair in love and war Lijah" I said and he sighed  " The drums of war were beating long before we returned. I suggest you use a little less of this--" Klaus said He makes a talking gesture with his hand
and a little more of these." He points to his ears, and smiles fakely before sitting on the couch across from me Klaus smiled at me and I smiled back.

Salem go get ready your coming with me today" Lijah said and I nodded and went upstairs to get ready I came downstairs and left with Elijah. "It's a good thing I choose boots" I said as we trudged through the Bayou. We came up to a house on the lake where Elijah stood in the doorway. "Pardon the interruption. I wonder if I might have a quick word with the conspirators of a supposed uprising". Hayley came out and I smiled as she saw me "Salem?" she asked. "Yup" I said and hugged her lightly. "When did you get here?" she asked, "Last night" I said shrugging and she nodded as the other wolf came out too "Uh Salem this is Eve."We said our hellos but I ignored the business as I stood on the dock as watched the waves, soon the sound of a dirt bike came and I turned flashing to Lijah. "Someone's coming" I said and he looked at me cutting their argument short to go see who it is  " What the hell?" Jackson says. A man on a motorbike rides into the encampment and stops as the group approach him. " Which one of you is in charge?" The man says

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