Down The Rabbit Hole

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Rotten Luck.

That's what I have, Rotten Luck.

As soon as I stepped on the island and went off on my own, I get my neck snapped.

I woke up my knees to my chest as I was tied to a tree, I groaned but no one was around
I herd my father's voice and strained to listen,

Damon: Mind telling me where we're going?
Vaughn: At the wishing well lies an entrance to a crypt. In the crypt lies Silas.
And with Silas lies the cure, which will allow me to kill Silas, bring the mission of the brotherhood of the Five to an end.
You're my leverage, Damon; I use you to get your witch friend to open the passage to Silas' crypt for me.
Damon: What a minute, you're using me to get to Bonnie Bennett? Whoa, brother, ha! You picked the wrong vampire.
Vaughn: I guess we'll see about that. or if that doesn't work I'll use your daughter
Damon: Here's the deal, Shrek. My witch friend will open the passage for you. No leverage necessary.
We don't care about Silas. All we want is the cure, so you cut us in on your share, and we'll get out of your hair.
Vaughn: You really don't understand, do you?

Damon:No, I don't understand, so why don't you explain it?
Vaughn: Silas is immortal. I have to cram the cure down his throat in order to kill him.
Damon: Yeah, what does that have to do with me and my friends?
Vaughn: I need to use the cure against Silas. Your friends, they can't exactly have it, now, can they?
Damon: So you use it on Silas, and we'll use it for whoever wants to use it.
Damon: You don't want to share it with us?
Vaughn: Even if I wanted to, I couldn't.
Damon: And why can't you share it?
Vaughn: So it is written.
Vaughn: There is only one dose.

I worked myself out of the ropes and flashed off going the opposite way of my father's voice
I stopped when I herd Bonnie and Jeremy.
Jeremy: You okay?
Bonnie. Yeah, I just slipped.

I Flashed to their location and jumped into the hole, "Salem?" Bonnie questioned
"Yeah its me Bonbon" I said walking to their spot. "How'd you-" I cu her off
"Bonnie with expression your just like a giant witch GPS" I said smiling

"Hey, guys, I'm coming down." Shane called out, "Hey, Bon. What do you think's gonna happen once you cast a spell on my tattoo and there's nothing in between Shane and Silas?" Jeremy asked.  Bonnie smiled, "Do you trust me?" Jeremy nodded, "Yeah, of course."  Bonnie nodded, "Then trust me when I promise I won't let Shane raise Silas." Jeremy gave her a look, "Just don't do anything stupid. If your Expression gets out of hand, Shane is the only one that could help you keep it in control." Bonnie chuckled, "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. But if Shane tries to lift a finger on his hand to hurt either one of us... I'll kill him myself." I then stepped up "yeah Jer she'll be fine i'll also help'' I said smiling innocently and he nodded.

Shane joins Bonnie and Jeremy and I in the new chamber, all of them holding flashlights. while I walked beside Bonnie "It's just amazing, isn't it? Once we raise Silas, all of our sacrifices will have been worthwhile; we'll all have what we want." I scoffed and said "Or he'll kill us all."  Shane turned back to me and said " Listen, you're going to see I'm right. Just so you don't get any ideas, remember, anything happens to me, something a lot worse will happen to you."  Jeremy nodded, "All right, where is this stupid magic passage she needs to open?" Shane nodded, "Just look for anything that looks out of place, all right? Anything not occurring in nature like a - like a drawing or an inscription or a... geometrically perfect circle!"  Shane crouches to the ground and brushes away dirt and debris to reveal a circle carved into the ground. before slapping the ground.  "This is it! This is the spot." Jeremy Bonnie and I all share a look. "It's gonna be fine you can channel me too" I said softly and she nodded taking a breathe

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