A Few Good Men

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The music was cranked, and Daddy was feeding on girls while had my blood bags. Dancing around with a Bottle of Bourbon also in my hand. The lights turned on and I giggled as
I jumped down and hugged Uncle Stefan.

After hugging me he went over to talk to Daddy, After there talk I flashed out of the living room and to the Gril. My black Curls bouncing as i walked in. Sitting at an empty booth, and I set my head on the table slightly groaning.

"Come on Lets go home sitting here wont help your cravings" I looked up and saw Daddy
I got up and sighed. "Im not craving its this Vervain its giving me a headache"
Dad didn't saw anything after that.  "so whats going on tonight?" I asked, and he smirked "Founders Auction of Bachelors." I giggled, "So your in it?" I asked My father raised an eyebrow at me and asked, "What i'm not Dashing enough." I just laughed as I yelled, "Race ya" Before flashing home.

I beat him home and let him get ready, "Sale" I herd and I looked up and saw Uncle Stefan and Elena. "Come on were going" I nodded and Got up walking to them. Elena and I went but Stefan stayed. I sat at a table and tyler came over with a thing of fries, and I took one and munched on it. "You okay?" He asked, and I nodded. "My heads been hurting off and on" He nodded and then Matt and Caroline came over and sat with us, and then the Auction began/

It was Father's turn and I whistled causing Caroline to laughed at me. He started saying things about Alaric's wife Isobel, and I shook my head and muttered "Hes being an ass." I looked up at Stefan and watched as Elena storm out. I sighed and kept watching as Mayor Lockwood called tickets. Jenna got Alaric and what were the chances, but Mayor Lockwood got Dad. When the auction finished I flashed home. Laying on the couch I was half asleep.

Daddy came in and covered me up then kissed my head, "Are you really this stupid?" Daddy asked. It was silent but I herd it. There was footsteps as he poured himself a drink then set it back down. "Guess so" Daddy said again before throwing someone across the room I shot up to see Alaric. "What did you do to my wife what did you do to isobel!"  Alaric yelled at dad. Dad started to say how he turned her and how she wasn't happy, and then he staked dad and I gasped, as dad totally flipped around and staked him with it. 

Alaric softly stopped breathing and laid there dead. I laid back down and yawned then fell asleep  .

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