Smells Like Teen Spirit

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I laid in my bed when I herd a light knock. I groaned and pulled my sheets over my head, "Salem" I herd but I groaned louder snuggling more into my bed. "Don't make me call it" Daddy's voice called, "Call what?' I asked from under the sheets. "The tickle monster!" he said and tickled me making me explode in laughter, before he crawled in next to me. "First day of school" he said and I sighed "I like my bed though" I said
"I know get up get up" He said and picked me up setting me on my feet

I got for school pulling on my black combat boots I then walked out of my room
I followed my father down the stairs "Whoa! it looks like a frat party threw up" I called out
as we stepped over the two bodies on the stairs

"Uh-oh. Alexandra, left hand, please." Uncle Stefan's voice called out
"Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug." Dad said
"You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house, too, brother. Ooh! Would you like a spin?" Uncle Stefan said and I he-hemed, " So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?" Damon questioned. "These ladies are helping me be all that I can be." Uncle Stefan questioned, "Well while you guys are arguing or what not I don't really care I am leaving goodbye" I said and kissed daddy's cheek "Bye" They all said as I flashed away to school.

I was getting my things out of my locker, closing my locker I jumped "Damnit Tyler!" I said and pushed him. He laughed and slung an arm around me as we walked the halls, "How are you doing?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked
"Im not stupid Salem something is up" He said and I sighed
"I thought that when Klaus would actually come back in my life things would be like how it used to a while back" I said, and we walked into History and I took my seat next to Tyler behind Elena

"You're in my seat." Uncle Stefan told a kid to make him move
" Welcome back, seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders... the Native Americans." Alaric said
" What about the Vikings?" Rebekah said coming into the room
She sits and Tyler, Caroline, Elena and I look at her
"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States. Who are you?" Alaric asked. " My name's Rebekah. I'm new. And history's my favorite subject." Rebekah said

football Cheerleading practice came around, So Caroline and I were out there streatching
" Has anybody seen Dana?" Someone asked, and Rebekah started talking coming up to us "sounds like you have an opening on the squad." Caroline rolled her eyes and said " What are you doing?" Rebekah starts stretches but Caroline is still standing next to her, " Hey. Hey. You can't just come here and infiltrate all of our lives." Caroline tells her.

"I'm only interested in yours. Your spunk, your popularity." Rebekah said I watched her steal a glance at Tyler "Maybe even your boyfriend."  I got up and grabbed Caroline's wrist pulling her back a bit. We saw the Football players break apart to go to the locker room and she leaves to go with Tyler. I got up to go leave when I herd

Tyler: Drop it, Caroline. I'm fine. I've never been better. Klaus has given me this... gift.
Caroline: What?!

I rolled my eyes as I left the field to go home

By the time the bonfire came around we all had a plan well they did I chose not to show up to the "Plan Bonfire." Kids held me up to do a keg stand they put me down and I cheered
making everyone around me cheer, after drinking and drinking I decided not to care anymore tonight about anything, and got blackout drunk.

I yawned as I woke up, Looking around I saw I was back home. "Daddy?" I called getting up I walked around I stopped to see him tied to a chair. I laughed and he looked at me
"Morning honey now Get me out of here" He said, "What did you do?" I asked going up to untie him when I was blown back and stabbed with a hot rod. I looked up to see Mason
"The hell!? your supposed to be dead" I breathed out and he stabbed me again

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