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I walked through the La Fayette cemetery, as I came across Davina's face plate. "Oh. Vina" I whispered and placed my hand on the face plate. "I tell Hope stories every night about the great witch named Davina Claire. Who just so happened to be my best friend." I said and took my hand off, before putting the white rose in the flower holder. "She loved you just as much, maybe more." I heard and turned seeing Kol.

"Kol" I breathed out and ran over. He lifted me off the ground and swung me in a circle, as he hugged me tightly. I tried my hardest not to cry. "I missed you little one" he whispered and I sniffled, as we pulled away. Kol wiped my tears and kissed my cheek. "Klaus sent me for you. It's time" Kol told me and I nodded.

We arrived back at the compound and I walked upstairs to see Freya already in the spell, as she laid in the circle. "We're going to go out and try to find her. Stay here" Kol whispered to me and I nodded. He kissed my head, before leaving.

I sat criss crossed across from Hayley, as we watched Freya just lay there. Hope needed Hayley so she left me.

Suddenly Freya woke up panting, and I rushed to her. "Freya, what's wrong?" I asked, but she just turned to me and said "I thought I found him, but he just vanished right in front of me. That's not our only problem. I can't search Elijah's mind and sustain a spell at the same time." She said and got up going over. "What if you sent me in?" I asked. "That would require more power." I sighed, "No. You stay here feed off my magic, and anchor the spell. I've spent so many centuries with him Freya. He'll respond to me. Send me in, Freya, I can find him. Nobody was closer to Elijah than I was once upon a time." I told her.

"I can do it" Freya sighed and looked at me "To place you into the pendant, I would need to channel another witch. A powerful one. Born of my family's bloodline. " I nodded as she said "Hope." I shook my head, "No. She's too young for this." Freya just says "She's young, but she's strong. Stronger than I was at her age. Salem. I would never hurt my niece, ever."   Hayley walked in the room  with Hope, and we both turned to them. "What?"

Instead of me going Hayley is, but I knealed down next to Hope as I took her bracelet off of her. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." I said, but she smiled slightly "It's okay. I'm not afraid." I nodded and stood up, as Freya came over taking Hope's hand. I took a couple steps back, as Hayley bit her wrist to draw blood for Freya. "So he's just in there somewhere, clinging to broken memories?" I nodded at Hayley's question.

"The core of his being has retreated deep into his subconscious, but, yes, he's still in there." I said taking Hayley's bowl of blood. "And I just search until I find him?" She asked, but Freya answered this time. "You don't have time. There are too many memories for you to randomly search. You have to think, where would Elijah find refuge? It has to be somewhere that represents the fundamental basis of who he is. Hopefully, that's a good place. When you find it, draw him out and wake him up. But be careful, his mind is unstable." Freya told her, and I handed her the bowl of blood. Hayley laid down in the circle. "Mom? Be careful." Hope called out. "I'll be right back, sweetie." Hayley told her. "Tillate ulaz. " Freya chanted, and Hope joined in "Tillate ulaz."

I sat down outside the circle, as I waited.

I sat there with my knees to my chest, as I listened to Freya and Hope chant. Suddenly Hayley started shaking. " Mom!" Hope yelled out, as she entered the circle. "Hope, stop!" I called out. "Aunt Freya, please, do something!" Hope called out to Freya. "Hope, I need you to focus on the spell." Freya said and I crawled in to the circle to. "Come back, Mom, come back!" Hope called out. The candles went out and Freya stopped.

"Hope. Hope. If we don't maintain the spell, we could lose her in there." I told her, but she shook her head. "Let me help. I can save her. Salem can take my spot." I looked and Freya and nodded. "Alright - Now, listen, I need you to trust me. This is what we're gonna do. Freya and I are gonna put you inside the pendant. When you're in there, I need you to call out to your mom. Okay?" I asked and she nodded. "Now, when you're in the hallway, do not open any doors. Do you understand?" Freya said and she nodded "Okay." before softly repeating herself "Okay." I stood up and said "Hey. Lay down, okay? I'll see you soon." I kissed her head, as she then laid down. I ran over to Freya and held my hand out "Tillate ulaz." Freya chanted "Tillate ulaz" I joined in. I closed my eyes to concentrate but I kept opening them to check on Hope.

"Tillate ulaz" I chanted, as Hope woke up with a gasp. "Hope!" I called out, and she ran over hugging me tightly. "They're both out. We need to fix the pendent." she said and I nodded. I leaned over the table, as her and Freya leaned their hands over the pendent chanting "Leigheas brotin" Hayley woke up with a gasp and Hope ran to her yelling out "Mommy!" I smiled, as Freya walked over and said "You did it. You saved him"

Hayley and I stood in the hall after she closed Hope's door. "He was in the red door wasn't he?" I asked and she looked at me shocked. I nodded. "It's the one true memory that still haunts him." I told her, and Hayley nodded. "Thank you for second guessing me Hayley" I said and she looked at me strangely. "If you and Klaus wouldn't of.. Elijah would've been dead. So.. thank you" I said, and looked up to see Niklaus. I turned and walked over to him. "Goodnight little one" he said and kissed my head. "Goodnight Niklaus" I whispered and he smiled at me, as I then walked away.

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