Pictures Of You

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Elijah, Rebekah, Niklaus and I  all sat around a giant round table

They were explaining on why they want the cure Rebekah went first, "Elijah, being a human means a fresh start. I can grow old and have a family and fill my days with meaning, knowing that each one matters." Klaus starts to laugh, as he then says "Well, that was poetic." I sighed and rolled my eyes.  Elijah then says "Well, if you can provide us with a more compelling reason for wanting the cure, Klaus, please." I opened my mouth, but Klaus cut me off. "Silas can appear as anyone. He got inside my thoughts, convinced me I was dying. He will torment me until I give him the cure." I nodded, and turned to  Rebekah who said "And in doing so he will break down the wall to the Other Side."

Klaus rolled his eyes, "So it doesn't trap him there when he dies. He wants to reunite with his lost soul mate. You of all lovesick fools should applaud his devotion." Rebekah raised an eyebrow and argued."He will open the floodgates for every supernatural being that has ever died." Klaus nodded and said "Including our dear brothers, Kol and Finn. We'll have our family back."  Rebekah looked at Niklaus and called out "Please, you hated Kol and you kept Finn in a box for most of his life." Klaus turned and said "Elijah, please."

I sighed propping my hand on my fist, as Elijah said "Your personal discomfort might not be sufficient reason for putting the entire world in jeopardy, Klaus. I think our sister deserves a shot at happiness." Klaus furrowed his eyebrows and said "Tell me you're joking. Tell me you're not fating me to an eternity of torture." Elijah just ignored him and said "I made my decision." Klaus swiftly stands and leans down to speak into Rebekah's ear. "When you're sick and dying, and you beg for my blood, I will laugh in your face and compel you to forget me." Klaus leaves the room. Rebekah remains carefully composed as she touches her hair and clears her throat. "Little Salvatore follow me" Niklaus spoke and I got up and walked out after him.

He took me to the other room closing the door after him
setting me on the bed he knealed in front of me
"When you were smaller you used to cry for days on end for your father or uncle now I see you and you want nothing to do with them explain please" Klaus said and I nodded, "I can't take the fighting that is all they do anymore and it isn't really brotherly bickering either its full on doppelganger arguments and I want to rip Elena's heart out" I said and he chuckled
"You know your welcome to stay here" He said getting up and kissing my head

He walked away from me and I smiled to myself
Rebekah left for Prom while I stayed home well the Mikealson Mansion. I wrote in my journal as it was silent I loved the silence it always gave me inspiration to write, I sighed as I closed my journal.Taking a shower and changing into pajamas I looked st myself in the mirror I jumped when I saw Kalin behind me, "Sale" He said and I turned around  caressing my cheek with his hand he sighed.

"I need you to do the spell so I can come back Salem
Do the spell and we can be together again" Kalin said but I shook my head. "I can't Kal" I said but it came out barley a whisper."You can Sale you can do the spell and I can be by your side again we can leave the world together and never turn back" He said  "Think about it Salem" He whispered
I shook my head as I was holding my ears. "Your Lying! go away!" I yelled shaking my head falling to the floor

Elijah rushed in
"Salem" I had my eyes clamped shut
"Little Salvatore..Salem look at me" Elijah's voice echoed
I opened my eyes slowly and Elijah pulled my hands away from my ears

"What happened?" He asked
"K-Kalin..S-Silas T-tried to get me to do a spell" I said and he nodded, "I'm going mad" I said shaking my head again
"Come on lets try and sleep" Elijah said and picked me up
He set me in Niklaus's bed and sighed I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

Elijah ran a hand down my face moving hair behind my ear
"I promised to protect you with my life and I will keep that promise" Elijah whispered. Elijah kissed my head before leaving me to sleep.

Damon's Daughter//Completed |1|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें