American Gothic

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It's been three weeks and I had no contact with my father or my Uncle. Klaus calls me couple times a week to check in but other then that nothing. I've been leaning towards turning my emotions off to just stop caring, but Elijah makes sure there still on

I danced through the house as the loud music echoed through my ears biting the wrist of the boy in front of me I sucked his blood. "I think that's enough Little Salvatore" Elijah's voice called
I let go of the boy and Elijah compelled him to forget and leave. Handing me a napkin saying "Clean up a bit and them we can leave."

I wiped my mouth and handed it back to him as we flashed off, Arriving at a gazebo Katerina stood there with red in her hair? something is up. "Katerina." Elijah called out and she turned around, "Elijah. You're a little late, aren't you?" She asked, "You colored your hair.I like it." Elijah said stroking her hair. 'Come on Lijah something is up'
" Thank you. It's actually gonna--" Elijah cut Katerina off kissing her.

I groaned and exited the Gazebo leaning against it, "I missed you." Elijah said
" And I've missed you."
" This is an interesting little town you've chosen to settle down in. So do you have it with you?"
Elijah asked her, " Do I have what?" Katerina asked him confused
" The cure." Elijah said. I could tell Elijah noticed her hesitance, "It's in a safe place. Why don't I go and get it and I'll bring it back?" She said. As Katerina starts to walk away Elijah grabs her arm."Where's Katherine, Elena?" Elijah asked
My eyes widened as I took a step back

Elijah grabs her arm then flashes over and grabs my hand and flashed to an alley way letting go of both of us. Elena stood there against the wall while I walk down the alley way, Elena glared at me but I ignored it. I slid down the wall sitting with my knees to my chest

Elijah's phone buzzed I sighed choosing not to listen in until Elena mentions my name "Ugh. What happened to you, Elijah? I mean, I thought you were supposed to be a man of honor, and yet you've been hooking up with Katherine and hiding Salem this entire time?"  Elijah just says "Well, I suppose this man of honor always shared a connection with Katherine. She contacted me when she learned about the cure. We thought we could be of mutual use to one another.
Salem simply didn't want to be around there anymore so I told her to come with me"

Elena started laughing ""Of mutual use"? Please. You fell for her trap just like every other one of those idiots." Elijah eyed her and said "You underestimate me, Elena. I know who she is. I know what she's done." Elena chuckled, "And you think she's changed? She's playing you. She lied to you, Elijah." Elijah just says "She didn't lie to me about your transformation." They shared a look at each other for a moment. before Elijah continued "You're not just a vampire, though, are you? There's something else. You... you're not yourself. You've abandoned your emotions. Why?"
Elena looked at me then back at Elijah, "My brother's dead. Your girlfriend and Little Salem there killed him. You didn't know?" she scoffs and says "Of course you didn't." Elijah breathed out, "She lied." Elena nodded, "I hate to say I told you so, but... duh!"

Elijah looked at me and said "We will talk about this later" I saluted him and he nodded sighing
Elena sat on the step in front of a doorway while Elijah paces slowly. "I know what it feels like to lose a brother. And I'm sorry for your pain. I... I only hope that you can find your way back to yourself someday." Smiling ruefully, Elena stands up. "Just like you hope Katherine will find her way back? You still think that innocent girl you saved from Klaus ages ago is in there somewhere?" Elijah nodded, "I'd like to think so, yes."

Elena shook her head, "She's not. She's a monster now, Elijah. The sweet peasant girl you fell in love with way back when is dead. And she's not coming back." Elijah chuckled, "I'm not a fool, Elena. Of course this has occurred to me, but what kind of man would I be if I didn't try to find my Katerina beneath this... Katherine façade?" Elena sighed, "You boys are all the same. Damon and Stefan still think that the girl they love is still in here somewhere, too." I raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "You can't blame them for having hope, Elena. It'd be a shame if the world lost a soul as compassionate as yours." I said sarcastically. Elena rolled her eyes before turning to Elijah. ""Your compassion is a gift, Elena. Carry it with you always and forever." I remember reading that in a letter once." Elijah nodded, "Well, the writer sounds positively gifted. I'm sure he meant what he wrote."

"I'm sure he did. And it felt good to watch that letter burn, along with my old life and along with Jeremy's body." Elena started to say. Suddenly someone attacks Elena from behind, snapping her neck. Elena falls to the ground and Katherine appears. "Sorry. I got held up."  She turned to me and said "You might wanna hide out somewhere Damon and Stefan are here"
I nodded and flashed off

I stopped at the house Elijah had for us  I packed a small bag and threw it on my shoulder
turning around I ran into Elijah. "Why did you hurt the Gilbert boy Sale?" He asked me
"I didn't I just stood and watched it was the only way to get the cure Lijah" I said and he nodded, "Well come on were going home" He said and I nodded as I followed him. Rebekah engulfed me into a hug, "I thought you died!" She called and I giggled. "Oh bekah you can't get rid of me so easily" I said winking at her. Rebekah turned from me to Elijah "You and Katherine? And I thought you were the smart brother."

"You don't have a smart brother. It turns out I'm just as stupid as the rest of you." Rebekah nodded, "Why don't you just give me the cure so I can judge you silently elsewhere?" Elijah was taken back and asked "And what could you possibly want with the cure?" Rebekah smiled softly and says "I want to be human again." Elijah nodded, "How do you know that being human is the answer you're looking for? I mean, it's nothing but a romantic notion. The grass won't necessarily be greener, Rebekah." Rebekah sighed, "You're probably right. But I don't care. I want to live a simple life as a normal person. And when it ends, it ends. We've had 20 lifetimes together, Elijah. Isn't that enough?" Elijah was then confused, "I just don't understand. I mean, why must you always consider our family a burden? Always and forever. I mean, those words are as important to me today as they—as they ever were."

"You will always be my brother. And I will never stop loving you. But now it's time for me to live and die the way that I choose, not the way you and Nik want me to. Please. Please just give me the cure." She tells him. Rebekah's phone starts ringing. She digs it out of her bag and answers it. "What do you want, Nik?" I sighed and turned as I leaned against the building and listened.

Klaus: An update on our search for the elusive cure.
Rebekah: Let's just say that things have gotten complicated. In fact, why don't you speak to one of those complications? Here.
She hands the phone to Elijah and walks around to the other side of the car. She, Elijah and I get into the car.
Elijah: Complication speaking.

Klaus: Big brother. At last you join the fray.
Elijah: Somebody had to take charge. And now that I have, I've got the cure and I'm bringing it back to Mystic Falls.
Klaus: With a long list of demands, I assume.
Elijah: Not that long.
Klaus: Come home, brother. We'll settle this like family. Salem is joining too I suppose like old times

Damon's Daughter//Completed |1|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora