The Five

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  I yawned as I woke up, The girl from yesterday was sitting in the chair glaring at me
Tyler sat up as well. "Hayley its not what it looks like" Tyler said and the girl Hayley nodded. "Sale is like my little sister I don't like her like that" He said and I giggled, I herd my phone buzz as I checked my pockets seeing as it wasn't there flipping the pillow I found it.

 Pressing accept I said "Hello?"
"Sale i am taking Elena to college to teach her some vampire ways would you like too--" I cut him off. "Yes! let me go home and change and i'll meet you there" I said, "Okay" He said and I hung up. Looking up Tyler was staring at me. "I'm gonna go party with college kids" I said in a singsong voice Tyler laughed  "Don't get too wasted and drunk dile me" He said, I rolled my eyes "That was one time" I said and he laughed making me laugh. Hayley 'He-hemed' and I turned "Sorry I keep forgetting your there Salem Salvatore" I said holding my hand out. "Hayley" she said and I nodded "Well i'm just gonna go" I said grabbing my bag and flashing off.

Arriving at the boarding house I flashed upstairs and had a quick shower
before and slipping into some fishnets and my combat boots straightening my hair
I walked down the stairs and dad rushed me into the car
We picked up Elena and Bonnie and went off to our first stop Whitmore College

We pull up to the front of the school and get out of the car "Are you sure that you're okay with this?" Bonnie nodded, "If I could spell you out of wanting blood, I would, but I can't, so better you learn this now than at freshmen orientation." Elena sighed and said " Something tells me that college isn't in my future anymore." My father chuckled, "Oh, stop with the pity party. If I can go to college, you can go to college." Bonnie looked surprised, "You went to college?" My father nodded, "Sure, plenty of times. I always had a thing for sorority girls." I laughed as he smirked. "You're disgusting." Bonnie said and my father nodded, "I know." Elena and Bonnie walk off. While Dad and I follow behind them. Apparently we are meeting a Prof. his name is Shane

We walked into his classroom as we hear "When I say the word "witch", what pops into your head? Halloween costume? Villain of a fairy tale? Maybe an ex girlfriend? Well, whatever image it is it's probably not" He Flips to another slide. " Tanyell Soso of Montego, Cameroon." Elena, Bonnie, my father and I sit down. Elena and Bonnie stare down at Professor Shane. I listen to what Shane is saying about Witches as they have their side conversations 

Elena: Is that him?
Bonnie: Yeah.
Elena: He's kind of...
Bonnie: Hot.

"Now, in reality, or in this reality at least, witches appear to cross every culture in history. They're the architects of the supernatural; responsible for everything that goes bump in the night from ghosts to vampires to doppelgängers." Shane explained. 

Damon: What is this guy, Witch-apedia?
Elena laughed as I cracked a smile
Bonnie: Shhh, shut up.

"Now, if you're a skeptic, you'd call that a coincidence. But, if you're a true believer, you know that there's really no such thing. It scares the crap out of us." Shane explained more

Elena: (whispers to Damon) What if I'm a Ripper?
Damon: You're not a Ripper.
Elena: What if I am?
Damon: Well then, pick someone and we'll find out.
Damon: Stoner guys are no good to grab. They're too paranoid and you don't want the extra buzz.
Damon: Now, she is a fun size, a tutor. Geeky girls are inherently suspicious of anyone who is nice to them.
What you want, ( is the little blonde, pretty girl. Self absorbed, easily flattered, you just have to separate her from the pack
and make your move.

Prof. Shane then stoped and turned to Damon and Elena and asked "Am I interrupting you guys Or is it maybe the other way around?" I chuckled as Elena says "Sorry." and my father called out "I was just saying how much I love witches." I tried not to laugh as he continued "Yeah, you and me both, brother. Alright, listen, we should probably talk about the readings that none of you did." As the class ended Daddy and Elena turned to leave, "You. keep your phone on and don't leave" Daddy said turning to me. I gave him the 'sir yes sir' salute and he smirked before him and Elena left. I wondered around campus as I bumped into a boy knocking myself to the ground as my human instinks kicked in, "Oh my god im so sorry" He said as he helped me up
"Its okay I wasn't watching" I said as I dusted my skirt of my dress off. "I havn't seen you around before" The boy said. "Yeah I don't attend here but my friend does, Salem" I said holding my hand out, "Colin" He said smiling at me and shook my hand.

I felt the wind in my hair and I cursed under my breathe, "Salem what did I tell you?" Dad's voice called. I groaned and said "Not to leave campus but i havn't--"He cut me off, "leave" He compelled Colin and Colin smiled nodded and left. I rolled my eyes ""Daddy" I said and he just smirked and I hit his arm lightly. He handed my a flyer that read 'fraternity murder house party'
"Do you wanna be a victim or a Killer?" He said in a taunting voice making me laugh
"Killer for sure" I said and he nodded holding his hand up and I hi-fived him.

Elena, Daddy, and Bonnie and I walk into the party together and are greeted by a college student named Frankie, "Hey. I'm Frankie, unassuming serial killer."
"I'm Jack. " My father said as They all take a drink, " And these are the two lovely ladies we just... Rippered." we motioned from him to me. "Welcome to the Murder House, Bloody Marys free until midnight. Enjoy yourselves." Frankie walks away and we are all looking around. "Well hats off to these idiots Oh look,Professor Creepy." I called out, and Bonnie looked at me "His name is Professor Shane. And he's not creepy. I'm gonna go talk to him." I nodded and said "You do that and I will see you guys in about...2 hours" I said quickly as I made my way away from them, they weren't even paying attention to me anyways

I grabbed a drink as I chugged it
"Whoa there beautiful I wouldn't trust some of these drinks" A guy said as I took another drink
"Awe but that's what makes it fun" I said as I drank from the next drink
I put my hand on his shoulder and dragged it down his arm
"Dance with me?" I asked and he gulped and nodded
we went into the corner as we danced I turned and faced him
"Don't make a sound" I compelled him and he nodded
I downed the rest of the drink as the dark veins appeared from under my eyes I bit his neck sucking his blood I pulled away and said "You warned me about the drinks and then we danced" I said and he nodded and smiled at me leaving.

I got another beer and chugged it
"Whoa there Sale" My father said as I tried to walk but wobbled a bit
"I'm fine" I said smiling as we left the party. We approached Elena and Bonnie as daddy said "Guessing we should hit the road." Bonnie came up to dad as she said "You were supposed to help her and you let her get completely out of control."
" She's not out of control. She was having fun." Dad tried to argue, " This isn't fun. She's acting like a different person." Bonnie said. Dad rolled his eyes saying " She is a different person. She's a vampire. We're a predatory species. We enjoy the hunt, the feed, and the kill. When the guilt gets too bad we switch off our humanity and we revel in it."

Bonnie stood her ground as she said " Is that what you want? Her to be like you?"
I stared at Bonnie as she said that, " She already is like me. And you know what makes me able to drink my fill and leave someone breathing and not rip their head off like my brother? It's that I can revel in it. I can make it fun." Dad exclaimed before saying "Come on Salem" Dad pushed past Bonnie. And I followed him, He looks at Elena as he walks right past her. but I just starred straight.

Getting into the car I yawned as I fell asleep against the window. I felt myself being lifted and I cuddled into the person who lifted me they set me down on a bed my own I assume. I opened my eye to see my father "Daddy" I said softly, "Yeah?" He asked. "Will you lay with me?" I asked, "Yeah" He said smiling at me as my bed sunk in beside me

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