The Rager

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I laid back on my bed

It was quiet My father and Uncle were both out
My silence was ruined by my phone ringing
"Hello?" I said
"Little Salvatore! I need you to meet me at the Lockwoods" Niklaus's voice said
"Be right there Niklaus" I said and hung up
I got up and flashed to the Lockwood Mansion
The front door was opened and I walked in

Klaus: I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were attacked. I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls.
Tyler: Nice to know you care.
Klaus: I don't. I should have killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled. Stopping my heart; leaving me in a coffin to rot.
Tyler: Yeah, well you used my body as an escape hatch then kissed my girlfriend. So, maybe we're even.

I walked in at that time and said "Not to mention that he saved my life Tyler well brought me back to life" Tyler looked at me but then turned back to Klaus. "Not even close. But, you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more of you and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left." Klaus began to walk off, but turned back " Consider them your new bodyguards Salem walk with me"He points at the three hybrids in the room and walks out I followed behind him to the other room

"So tell me more about this Hunter little Salvatore" Niklaus said, "Remember when I was a little girl and You told me the story about a cure" I said "What does that have to do with--" I cut him off. "You told me about these hunters and Kol told me it was dangerous and you told me not to listen to him. I was going through my things and found this" I said as I grabbed my journal from my bag. Opening it up to the certain page handing it to him, I opened the little flap and dug out a bullet I nicked from Uncle Stefan.

"See its the same symbol" I said  "If this is true and the new hunter is part of The Five I don't want you out there and getting hurt" Niklaus said. "No one knows what I just told you" I said and Klaus nodded. "Good, Keep it that way until I know if it is true keep your guard up and be on your toes" He said and I nodded. "I want you to stay here today where I can keep an eye on you" Klaus said and I smiled rolling my eyes. "I'm not a child anymore" I said
"And I simply don't care" Niklaus said and I giggled

I herd a voice I didn't recognize and flashed into the next room
A Girl stood there  "Your a new face" I said. the girl turns and looks at me then looks behind me where I know Klaus was. "And I take it your friend here is Klaus, but who are you?"
"My reputation precedes me. Hopefully not all bad." Klaus said
" A little bad. Mostly repulsive." The girl sneered Klaus moved closer towards her.

"So, you're a friend of Tyler's? That's strange, he's never mentioned you." As Klaus paused I know he overhears Tyler talking to Caroline in the front foyer too.
Tyler: You should go to the party. I'll be fine here.
Caroline: But, I'd rather hang with you.
Tyler: Trust me, I am no fun right now.
Klaus has a devilish look on his face as he looks back at the girl, "And I think I know why."

My phone started to ring as I excused myself I held my phone to my face
"Yes father dearest"
"Where are you?" He asked
"In a safe place why?"
"I'm going after the vampire hunter and I don't want you anywhere near it" He said
"Daddy I'm not a little gi--" He cut me off
"I know your not I just want you to be safe I lost you once and I'm not loosing you again"
"Fine I'll sit on the sidelines for now but don't expect me to forever" I said
"I'm not now I love you but I have to go" He said
I laughed and said "I love you too daddy" Hanging up the phone

As I hung up Klaus was walking out of the room smirking, "Where are you going?" I asked
"Going after the vampire hunter you st-"I then cut him off, "Stay here and pretend I don't exist" I sneered and he chuckled, "Come on love don't be like that we just don't want you out there so you can get hurt now don't make me compel you" He said and I smirked. "No its fine i'll just stay and torture Tyler some more" I said and Klaus kissed my hair and flashed off. I sighed and went into the study to see Tyler with his head down, "Come on Ty" I said and went over he pulled me into a hug.  We just laid there after he calmed down as he fell asleep I yawned and fell sleep too

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