The Last Day

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  'It seems that even though I have everything back. My Father and Uncle Stefan,
Niklaus and Elijah. There is always Doppelganger business to take care of.
Even though i'm basically playing both sides and I've warmed up to Katerina,
Something doesn't seem right. What Emily told me is still replaying in my mind.
"When you find what your mother had left for you you will find a gift".
First I thought it was Amulet but it isn't I have a feeling its much bigger than that.

looked up and Klaus was talking to the witches about the sacrifice
before I looked down and continued writing

'Maybe this is the day where I actually find something more about my mother.
All I have ever learned was that her name Camila or Cammy June as my father would call her.
The maid that took care of me back then used to tell me how she would see the love
in my father's eyes everything they talked about her or every time he looked at her.
She left me something that can't be seen in the blink of an eye.'

I closed my journal as my phone buzzed

From"Tyler Lockwood
Im back.. im here to visit my mom she is in the hospital

My eyes widened as I typed back

To: Tyler Lockwood

No No No Ty. you have to trust me you can't be here!!

I never got a responce, "Shit" I muttered getting up. No one paid attention to me as I flashed out
I flashed into the hospital room but knocked on the door. "Sale" Tyler said and I smiled and hugged him. "Ty you can not be here with Klaus around he will use you for the sacrifice" I whispered. "I just had to visit my mom Salem" He told me and put his hands on my arms, "Just be careful please" I said and he nodded. "I will" He said and kissed my head, "Keep safe Ty" I said and flashed out the door. My phone rang and I slid to accept

"Yes daddy"I said
"I fed Elena my blood" He confessed
"I had to make sure she came back" he rambled on
"It sounds like you love her" I said
"Meet me at the grill we need to talk" He said and hung up

I sighed and flashed to the grill. Going in I went up and sat next to my father
"Yes" I asked as he turned to me, and He engulfed me in a giant hug and kissed my head. "Im sorry" He said and I giggled "I forgave you" I said, "We have to take Klaus's werewolf and vampire out of the situation" He said. "What if I told you I know where they are?" I challenged
"Id say spill" he said and I smirked and looked around before leaning in
"Follow me" I said and flashed away

We flashed to the tomb and he moved it for me, "Care! Ty!" I called my voice echoing
"Salem!?" They both yelled. Dad gave me a look and I smirked
"Your Welcome" I said as we flashed inside, I delt with Tyler while dad got Caroline
We herd a noise and dad went out to see what it was. Soon gun shots were fired but i focused on breaking the chains. Soon I got Tyler's broken and worked on Caroline's I hissed as I touched vervain, but Soon enough I broke them as dad came back in. "So tell me why is your boyfriend out there with wooden bullets?" I turned to Caroline confused. "Matt? I don't know!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Its getting dark soon how fast can you get the hell out of here?" Daddy asked
"I need to get to my families celler" Tyler told us
we all left the cellar and the sun started to go down
running through the woods soon the sun went down and the full moon was out
"Tyler?" Caroline and I called out
"Ugh grab boy wonder and lets go" dad called and then knealed to my level
"I want you to go back to Stephan Salem you can't get bit" He said
"No I can't Le-"
"Go please" Daddy said and I sighed nodded flashing off
I arrived at the boarding house but it didn't last long as I blacked out

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