A Closer Walk With Thee

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I stood  in the cemetery in front of an old building, "Hello?" I herd someone call, "Are you okay?" I herd again. I snapped out of my trance as I looked up seeing a girl "Are you okay?" she asked me.I shook my head "Yeah i'm fine I just..felt something" I said and she smiled. "Everyone gets weird vibes from this one" she said and held her hand out to me."I'm Davina" she said and I smiled shaking her hand "Salem"

"Are you a witch?" I asked. "Well a harvest girl" she said and I nodded with a huh."my mother was a warren" I told her and she smiled wide"I'll show you a place we practice our magic" she said and took my hand leading me to a little greenhouse.

"Girls this is Salem, Salem this is Monique and Abigail" she told them and Monique glared at her"You can't bring humans here Davina you should know this" I giggled and raised my hand in a swish motion near the candle lighting it."Hmm... okay so you are a witch" Monique said and I nodded "yeah"Abigail grabbed their Grimoire and Davina took it flipping to the page and they got the ingredients

" I don't know if the ancestors would like us messing around in the spirit world." Abigail called out. " It's just a simple seance." Davina said." Phony witches do seánces to impress tourists. They're not real!" Monique said and I laughed

Monique quickly rushes out of the lycée, as Davina sets a violin in the middle of a circle she's drawn in chalk on the table,
where she has also scattered salt and herbs in various quadrants around it.
" What's that for?" I asked
" It's my friend Tim's. Come on! What's the point of being a witch if we can't use our magic for stuff like this?"
Abigail smiles and nods in agreement, and she, Davina, and I clutch each other's hands in order to share their magic for the spell. " Elikopte fantomes soliter mouri, vous reveler..."
Wind starts to blow around them. Davina cuts her palm with an athame and drips the blood on Tim's violin. All of a sudden, the candles blow out they start to get scared but I keep chanting silently, " Tim?" Davina called out. A song on a violin starts to play around them, and the wind chimes near the window starts to play it as well. A hand wearing a lapis lazuli daylight ring caresses my shoulder from behind.
I turn to find the hand belonged to Mikael

" What a delightful tune." he says and my eyes widened. Mikael disappears, and all the windows in the greenhouse shatter violently, and broken glass rains down upon us, as we scream in terror. I flash out of the Lycee and to the compound where I lean against a pole and breathe heavily, "Little Mikealson" Elijah called out for me. I looked up and flashed to his side
"Are you coming to walk?" he asked but I shook my head  "I'll stay here" I said smiling and he kissed my head and left me.

I flashed to my room and grabbed my spell book flipping the pages aggressively before finding it. I grabbed candles and set them up everywhere before sitting on the bed and chanting in Latin. I felt my spirit leave my body like an astral projection, I watched at my physical body hit the bed behind me
"Well well well" I jumped and turned seeing Mikeal. "Why are you haunting us? The other side is gone" I told him. "The other side might be gone but Purgatory is just disintegrating" he said and I rolled my eyes, "That's basically the same thing" I said and he slapped me I fell to the ground with such force.

"Did you forget the place your in? stupid girl you summoned me" He yelled in my face. "I-I-I" I stuttered. "You called out for me and I showed" he said I then bit my lip and shook my head, "I d-didn't...Davina" I breathed
"she thought she was calling her friend..HA" he said laughing.

I took a step back as he took a step forward
I flashed around him and downstairs when I stopped abruptly "Hayley?" I asked
"Salem?" She asked me. Out of no where I was pinned to the wall by my throat lifted off the ground by the hand on my throat. I choked and struggled for air, I lifted my hand but my magic wouldn't work. I stated seeing dots as he then stabbed me and went after Hayley
I coughed and looked up.

MIKAEL: I assume my reputation precedes me.
HAYLEY: This is a nightmare. I'm dreaming.
MIKAEL: On the contrary, my darling-- this is very real.
He vamp-speeds over to Hayley and puts her in a headlock, and Hayley gasps in fright
MIKAEL: Welcome to my hell-- stuck in an eternity of watching over that hideous creature my children call brother!
HAYLEY: [ You're dead! How can I be here? Oh my god! NO! Noo! The baby!
MIKAEL: The baby? That kid never had a chance! And as if your bloodline isn't filth enough, you poison it by merging it with Klaus'?  The deathless vermin, fancying himself a daddy?


I pushed myself up and tackled him as we fought I yelled out "Run Hayley!"
Instead of running Hayley's eyes turn lupine-gold, and she shrieks as she pushes me off him and breaks his arm by twisting it behind his back. Then, she picks up a coat rack and swings it at his head with all the force she can muster " She's not dead! I'm not dead! If I was dead, you wouldn't be trying to kill me."
I saw that I was fading. "Hayley the spell its going wrong!" I said and felt under my nose to see blood on my hand. "You have to wake up Salem! before you die" Hayley said and fought off Mikeal while I ran up the stairs to my body
I was close to it but Mikeal pulled me back "No!" I screamed as he pulled me away from my body.

  I kicked him away as he tried to throw me down the stairs. I kicked him away and he fell instead of me, myself soon faded as I woke up with a gasp in Elijah's arms. I looked down and the color of my dress was stained with blood.

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