Fool Me Once

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 I groaned as I woke up, and I was laying on a bed. "Annabel" I said as I held my head. I groaned in pain, and saw Anna,  "Have a nice sleep?" Anna said smirking and then stabbed me. "I thought we were friends" I said out of breathe, "You thought wrong" She said and stabbed my stomach again making me groan loudly. "Anna! we were friends... Everything... Everyone thought we were so innocent" I said groaning. "No everyone thought you were innocent until that night" I shook my head, "Don't...Speak of that...Night" I said groaning.

Anna took whatever she stabbed me with and pinned me to the wall with it. Then took multiple knifes and stabbed me with them, "You left me to die and fend for myself when i needed a friend." I chuckled and spit on her foot, "Your just as pathetic as you are now." She stabbed the last one into my leg and i was left pinned to the wall.

After a bit Elena was pushed out from the bathroom, and she gasped when she saw me
but Anna took her attention from me. "Elena Gilbert...Wow you are Katherine's doppelganger you must have the Salvatore brothers reeling!" And that was the last I herd before I blacked out from blood lost.

I came consciousness as the knifes were taken out of me, "Stay with me Sale" Uncle Stefan's voice called, "U-Unc-Uncle Ste-Stefan" he smiled a bit at me and we flashed out

I soon started to feel better, and Uncle Stefan set me on a couch, but my resting was cut short. I was lifted and flashed to the boarding house. I was set on my bed and Uncle Stefan fed me a blood bag. Smiling sadly I soon felt better again, "Thank you" I said and hugged him. He hugged me back It was just silent, as  I pulled away and Uncle Stefan wiped my tears that fell. "Get cleaned up and meet us downstairs" I nodded and he flashed out.

After my shower I dressed in some new clothes wrapping my amulet around my neck. I blow dried my hair before letting it fall in natural curls. Smiling at myself in the mirror before pulling my beanie on.

When It was time to go Elena Daddy and I went towards the tomb, but we were stopped by a party. "The duke party I forgot hope they stay clear of the church" Elena said, and she was stopped but I kept walking. Flashing to where we're supposed to be at, I sat on the rock. "Bennetts.. Uncle Stefan" I said smirking,  Uncle Stefan smiled at me, "Salem." Then we herd a whistle and Daddy showed up.

"Earth Fire Water--" I zoned out by groaning and turning to Uncle Stefan, "Can I just go party I really don't wanna see her" I asked. "Go on" Uncle Stefan said I smiled, "See You guys later!" I called flashing back to the Duke Party.

I saw Tyler and tapped his shoulder, he went to look but I went to the other side. I did the same again before he fully turned around, "Sale!" I giggled as he hugged me and lifted me up a bit before setting me down. Tyler handed me a beer and i 'Oooed' making him laugh. I laughed too as i drank some of it. Some people left but others stayed and we danced and everything. I saw Matt with Caroline as Tyler came over putting an arm around me. Pulling me to walk with him.

Tyler got another beer and he left me to go dance with another girl, All of a sudden i had a horrible feeling. I put a hand on my used to be heartbeat and fell to my knees. I flashed to where they were and I see Anna with Pearl, and I pushed pass them and ended up by where they were chanting in Latin.

Daddy came out and i rushed to him hugging him. He hugged me tightly and muttered "Shes not in there."  I just kept hugging him when I finished he flashed out of there, and then I hugged Uncle Stefan. "I had the most horrible feeling" I said "Its fine now" He said and rubbed my back a bit. We pulled away and I smiled, "I think i am gonna go home"I said and he nodded I flashed back home.

I flashed home and laid in my bed, and suddenly I felt myself unable to sleep. Tossing and turning in my bed I then sighed. The side of my bed sunk in and Arms went around me
I moved my head and saw my father. I smiled and cuddled up to him before going to sleep.

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