Dead Man on Campus

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I listened in as My father hangs up his phone. He walks into the library, where I'm sitting in front of the fireplace.

"So apparently, we've been invited to a college party. " I don't move or say anything just silence
Yeah, that was my first reaction too. Then, Elena promised a bottomless well of top-shelf alcohol." He said
but I still say nothing, but I start shaking, sweating profusely as my fingers start digging into the chair's arm rest. being pulled into my subconscious having flashbacks of my time sitting in the safe at the bottom of the quarry.
" Salem?" my father's voice brings me out of my hallucinations "You... okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said my tight grip on the chair not loosening
" How about my favorite reading chair?" he asked

loosening his grip on the chair I said "Just tell Elena thanks, but I'm not really up for a party tonight." I said getting up and leaving the room. Flashing out of the boarding house to drink and be by myself. Arriving at the grill I sit at a table by myself, before Katherine approaches me.

" Hey stranger!" she called carrying over a bottle of alcohol "Lookie what I stole."
" Knock yourself out." I said as I get up to leave
"Hey! Come on! Please. Just have one drink with me? Please. Salem, I've had a bad... " Katherine hesitates to say " ...year, really. And it would be nice to have a friendly face."
I sigh, but agree to have a drink with Katherine. sitting back down

One pity drink." I said
" See? The universe at work. I don't know if you know this, but our doppelgänger stars are fated to be together.
So, like it or not, you're going to end up with someone who looks like me. Although, the universe seems to have all of its eggs in the Elena basket; but at this point, I don't really blame it.  "What is wrong with you?"

"Other than the joint pain, the receding gums, and the fact that I have to pee every five minutes, I'm dandy.
But hey! Enough about me. Why are you all by your lonesome?"
"So I could avoid talking to anyone."
Katherine laughs as she says "Well, if you did want to talk to someone, I'm right here.
And, uhh, let's be honest, I'm wasted, so I'm not going to remember."
Katherine takes another shot. as I roll my eyes
"Look, I thought that killing Silas would allow me to move on with my life, but I was wrong.
I spent my summer locked in a safe. One minute, I think I'm fine, and the next, I feel like I'm dying all over again."

" Oooohh. Classic PTSD. You survived a pretty traumatic event, and now you're back, and you've got nothing but free time to just relive that terrible experience in the safe. Well, allow me to give your life purpose. Help me with one little favor?"
" Should've known this was gonna come around to you needing something from me." I said rolling my eyes
" I'm just trying to help. What would I know about post-traumatic stress? I only had my newborn ripped from my arms by my judgmental father. Then, I had to run 500 years after my entire family had been slaughtered by a psychopath, but hey! That didn't have any lingering side-effects."
Katherine gets up to leave. but I grabs her arm as she rushes past me

" Okay. Okay. Alright. What do you need?"
"I thought you never wanted to see me again? Why did you call me?" A girl called as my mouth flew open
"Nadi?" I asked and she smiled at me as I got up
She rushed over and hugged me
"I missed you Sale!"

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