Children of the Damned

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  Mystic Falls 1862

A knock rapped the door, "I can get it thanks anyways Tally" I said to one of our maids. She smiled and curtsied at me. Opening the door I smiled and Curtsied, "Salem Salvatore miss."
The Lady did the same and spoke, "Miss Salvatore I am Pearl."

I smiled as Emily came up to me, "Miss Salem Miss pearl is here for Miss Katherine I will fetch her." I smiled at her and Invited her in


I sighed as I laid there in bed, and I got up and looked in the mirror. Blood covered my face dark circles under my eyes, I was soon greeted with another.

-Another flashback-

Emily and Miss Katherine took me out of the house with Pearl and her daughter Annabel we were in an elixir shop. Mr Gilbert arrived to talk to Miss Pearl. "Emily why did my father ask you to take me out today" Emily just smiled at me before saying
"Giuseppe asked him to because he needed to discuss private matters."


I was pulled from my flashback by my phone, It was a text from dad.

'Dinner at Elena's'

I sighed and got up, and after taking a shower i changed. After blow drying my hair I threw it up in a pony tail and added a bandanna. Arriving at Elena's after I knocked and Elena answered
"Salem come in" I smiled.

Sitting at the table while Daddy was talking to Jenna, Jenna seemed to notice me when she smiled. "Who's this cutie?"
"That is my Daughter" Dad said and Jenna started coughing and then laughed

"Good one Damon" She said and I frowned, "Actually its true" I said and she just looked at me
then smiled. "My name is Salem Salvatore" I said still smiling. She just smiled as Daddy finished dinner.

Elena got the plates and we all sat down for dinner, when we finished I sat next to Daddy while Him and Jeremy played the Xbox. I was texting while they talked and played, when the doorbell went off Daddy passed me the controller. I played while he left for the door

Next thing we know Daddy Stephan and Elena came in asking about Anna Jeremy's friend.
who he thinks is hot, Uncle Stephan called me upstairs as I sat on the bed. He handed me papers, "Whats this?" I asked.

"Copies of Johnathan Gilbert journals"
I nodded and started looking through them until my phone buzzed, It was from daddy and it said

'Do you remember in 1862 Pearl's daughter?'

I was soon came to another Flashback, It was raining and Daddy brought me with him and Miss Katherine. Me being the Little Innocent Salem Salvatore no one noticed me
or Annabel even. Annabel and I were friends She acted quiet like me, but the real reason to act quiet was to know everything. We saw Mrs. Fell come up and we both arouse from the seat we sat.

"Father Miss Katherine" I said and they looked at us, "Mrs. Fell is approaching" Annabel said. Father held his arms out and I hugged him smiling, He kissed my cheeks and I giggled. Annabel giggled as pearl did something to.


I was pulled from my thoughts from Uncle Stefan He was sat in front of me
"Sale.. Salem you okay?"
I shook my head ridding the memory from my thoughts, "Sorry I was thinking" I said sending an apologetic smile. "I know where it is and I need your help" He told me and I nodded.

Elena drove us and Uncle Stefan, lit a fire torch around the tombstone. I knelled in front of it, "Sorry to disrupt your At rest spirit Grandfather" I said. then Kissed my fingers and put it on the word Giuseppe.

Elena and Uncle Stephan talked while I flashed somewhere, Somewhere as the front of the woods. I caught his sent and flashed back. "You two done bickering because we have to hurry" I said, As i leaned against a tree

Soon uncle Stefan reached the bottom and opened the casket. Pulling out Emily's Spell book he handed it to me. I opened it and saw the many spells, I smiled softly as my Daylight Amulet grew a bit warm. "Emily" I whispered

"Hello Father" I said and they all turned and saw him, "Salem" He said and smiled at me
I took the book and hugged it to my chest. He bickered with Stephan and Elena as
i took a couple steps back. Trying to stealthily make an escape, right when I was about to flash off I was stopped. "Long time no see Sale!" such a familiar voice called, "Annabel?" I asked She smirked. "Its Anna now" She said snotty, and then snapped my neck.

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