An Old Friend Calls

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I stood in he record shop looking through the classical section, as Joe was looking for my order. "Salem Salvatore?" I herd and looked up. There in the flesh was an old friend of mine. "Calder?" I asked and he smiled. He walked over and hugged me tightly. Joe walked out as we pulled away. "Here you go Sale, you seriously need to tell me why you're obsessed with these" he said referring to the five classical and one jazz record. I just giggled and said "It calms the beast if you know what I mean" winking at Joe who laughed.

After purchasing the records and walking out of the door. Calder smiled at me and linked our arms together. "Wanna grab lunch and talk?" he asked and I nodded, "Sounds good" I told him. Calder and I talked about the last few centuries we missed of each others lives. We walked into Rousseaus and stopped as I stared at the silence of the frozen people. "Calder" I herd and looked over to see a man walking towards us. "Im sorry Sale" I herd and everything went black.

Waking up I was sitting up tied to the wooden chair. I watched as Calder sat at the bar with the man as they stopped talking and looked at me. "Salem, you're awake" Calder called out smiling. The man glared at Calder causing him to flinch and sit back on the bar stool. The man got up and walked over to me, "Salem Salvatore" The man called to me. I looked up as he said, "You're Klaus' daughter though" He turned to Calder who shrunk in his seat under the glare. "Salem Mikealson" he spoke, and I nodded. "You're going to help me get to Klaus" I gulped and looked over to see Cami on the ground.

Suddenly I herd a man groan and the man before me groaned as he said "Vincent Griffith is down" I then started screaming, like I was being ripped apart. "Salem!" Calder called out as he rushed to my side. "What did you do to her!" he yelled at the man but the man just watched as blood trickled down from my eyes. "T-The Ancestors" I whimpered out. "They're angry" I glared at the man before me, "They're not going to help you." I started screaming again, as the man shoved his hand in my chest. "Gaspar you said you weren't gonna hurt her!" Calder called out, "Shut it" Gaspar growled at my old friend. "CORTEZ!" Was shouted out and Gaspar pulled his hand from the inside of my chest as he turned to see Klaus. I fell limp in the chair as I struggled to breathe normally.

"Welcome to New Orleans. Long time no see. You've come all this way. You must be tired. Please, allow me the courtesy of putting you to rest." I coughed as I struggled to call out "Klaus..." Cortez walked towards Klaus but then stopped within 5ft of him, "Make a move, Niklaus, and everyone here will die. (Sighs) Or... You can wait for us all to learn the whereabouts of the white oak. Choice is yours. Either way, I win." Cortez said before taking a dramic pause, and continuing. "So here's how this works. Everyone lives... once you let me leave." Calder untied me and lifted me up as I fell limp in his arms.

"So you expect me to let you live, knowing you seek white oak? It's a shame how some vampires grow so dim with age. Killing you will be a mercy." Niklaus called out. "Kill me, and this quaint eatery turns into a slaughterhouse, shining a light on your town's more repulsive activities." Calder looked between the two before pulling me to the floor and into the corner as Klaus called out "You know... I really liked Belaga." Suddenly Camille woke up and called out "Klaus... No!" In a flash Niklaus flung the stake at Cortez and thats the last thing I seen as I pass out.

I gasped as I woke up from my dreamland, and stood from my bed going to my bookshelf. I grabbed my old journal from centuries ago and opened it up to the page. I gently placed my hand on the picture and read the caption underneath 

Calder Holden Alexander

Walking back over to my bed I fell back asleep. I wake up to a rush of wind hitting my face. Niklaus laid me in the car, and cradled my cheek with his hand. "Get some sleep love" he told me and kissed my head. He went to leave but I grabbed his arm. "Niklaus" I spoke, and he turned to me. "Calder, he.." Klaus cut me off. "I understand love" he said and covered me up with my throw blanket, before getting in the drivers seat.

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