No Exit

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  I herd the knock at the door and came down the stairs as I listened in

Caroline: You were right. He's off the rails. This is from my mom.
Stefan: Let me guess: missing persons and animal attacks?
Caroline: Check and check, but there's something else. All of the victims were found inside their homes without their head... and their skin was desiccated.

" He's feeding on vampires..." I said and they all looked back at me
I sat next to Uncle Stefan as we looked through a crime report
Stefan sighed and said " I shouldn't have let him go."
Caroline blew up saying, " No. Uh uh. No, You are not turning Damon's roosting chickens into a Stefan Salvatore guilt trip. No one could've stopped him from going after Wes the other night."
" I guess Wes must have injected him with whatever he was going to give Elena that makes vampires feed on vampires." I said and Caroline nodded " Ah. Good news, bad news. Bad news is that when this happened to Jesse, we had to kill him, but the good news is... I'm sorry, usually there's some good news."

Stefan nodded " I have to find him."
Katherine suddenly appeared and said " Well, I can come with you."
I rolled my eyes as my phone buzzed
Looking down at my phone it read

From: Enzo
In an old farm house if you wanna send help ASAP.

I looked down at my phone my face twisted in confusion
but typed back
I don"t remember giving you my number but send me details

Caroline: Elena, hey! I didn't know that you were here.
Katherine: Well, Stefan has been helping me study.
Caroline: Oh. Stefan who doesn't go to college.
Katherine: Stefan, who's an expert in history.
Caroline: Uh-huh.
Caroline's phone rings and Uncle Stefan nudged me and I looked at him I showed him the text

Caroline started flipping out over who's calling her "It's Tyler. I haven't really spoken to him since the, um, incident." I gave her a look. " The incident? You mean the time when he almost killed you?" I asked but Care ignored me and answered the phone.
Caroline (picking up the phone): Hey.
Tyler: Hey. Have you talked to Matt?
Caroline: No. Why?
Tyler: Because it turns out that Nadia has been compelling him to forget things.
my eyes widened and I could sense Katherine was flipping out
Tyler: Matt said he was going to avoid her, but I haven't heard from him.
Caroline: Do you think that he's in trouble?
Tyler: I think he hasn't been at home or work and his phone goes straight to voicemail.
Caroline: Okay. Well, I'll come right over..
Tyler (interrupting Caroline): No. That's not why I called..
Caroline: No, I know, I think that we can figure this out together. I'll see you soon.
They hang up the phone and Katherine takes immediate action " Maybe I should come with you?"

" No. No. You deal with Damon. We can handle this. Besides, it's time we move into the next phase of our post-break-up, pre-friendship relationship time line." Caroline said
" Okay. I'm going to stay out of that one. I'm going to get some clothes and you'll pick me up at my dorm?" Katherine asked looking at uncle Stefan
Stefan nodded " Sure."

Katherine left and I got up and stretched "I'm gonna go get ready" I said and bolted upstairs
I leaned against my closed door and listened in

Stefan: The bad news is that Tyler hates you. The good news is..... hmm
Caroline (breaking into a smile): It'll be fine.. We both have weird ex-friend situations.
Stefan: We... there's nothing weird going on between me Elena and me.
Caroline: Come on, Stefan! First, she tells you she's going to fight to get Damon back and then she re-breaks up with him and now she's here, with you, her ex "studying."
Stefan: She's here with her friend studying without the implied quotes.
Caroline: Well, look, I'm just saying that Elena and Damon's break-up is messy and you are not messy. You're stable and sane and...
Stefan: I'm about to spend 12 hours in a car with her alone, so whatever she's feeling, I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out.

Damon's Daughter//Completed |1|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt