Chapter 33: Forget about me

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(Jaune's POV)

I awake, but in a pitch black silent landscape. I can't see anything or hear anything. Where am I..?

"'s been a while, huh? " I hear a familiar female voice from behind me. As I turn around, the corner of my eye catches a glance of red. I fully turn around. My eyes widen to what I see.

"Pyrrha?" I question quietly. The corners of her mouth curl upwards. As she walks forward to me, a ghostly mist of bright red light follows behind her as if she were a ghost. She pulls me into an embrace, holding me tightly.

"Jaune, i've missed you," She whispers into my ear.

"I've missed you too," I reply, wrapping my arms around her. I sigh, my breath shaky. She pulls away from, placing both of her hands on my shoulders.

"I need you to do something. I know it won't be so easy to agree with, but please. I need you to do this. For me." She pleads. I stare into her eyes, worried.

"What is it?" I ask softly, curious. She sighs quietly, looking down at her feet. A few seconds later, she looks up with tears in her eyes.

"I need you to forget about me."

My eyes widen. I stare at her with watery eyes. My throat begins to feel dry.

"N-No.. w-what? I-I can't. I don't want-"

"Jaune," She raises her voice, "Please. It hurts me just as much as it hurts you, but this is the only way. You need to move on. You can't force yourself to be stuck in the past. What's past is what's past."

I look away, my eyes blinded from tears. "I can't."

"You can. You're just choosing not to," She pauses, staring at me for a moment. Her arms fall to her sides. "Please.."

"I don't want to. I can't just forget about you! You made me who I am now. You're special to me. And losing you would.. would just hurt me-"

"No it won't, Jaune. It will help you. After all, it's my fault I made you so depressed. It's my fault that I died. It's my fault you tried jumping that day. And I'm so.. so sorry. I..I-"

I interuppt her before she has a mental breakdown. Her face was already so drenched with many tears. I pull her into a hug and she begins crying into my shoulder.

"I'm so.. so.. sorry," She muffled.

"You don't need to be, Pyrrha. I.. I understand." I take my hand and pat the top of her head gently. We stand there for a few more seconds and Pyrrha pulls herself out of my embrace.

"Okay," she sniffs, " Are you ready to wake up? Once you awake, your memory of me will be pushed to the back of your head. You won't be thinking a whole lot of me anymore, alright? I know that this is wrong, but it's the only way we'll help eachother."

I nod slowly, sighing to myself.

"I'm ready.." I sigh. She looks into my eyes.

"I love you." She states.

"I.. I love you, too."

She lunges forward and wraps her arms around my body. She makes her way behind me and covers my eyes with her hands.

"Goodbye, Jaune." Her voice echoes into my ears. The feeling of her touch slowly fades away. My head begins pounding and spinning uncontrollably. I groan in pain. My ears are popping. It's feel like my brain is going to explode. Suddenly everything is silent. I could only hear my heavy breathing.

"Jaune..?" I heard a familiar voice question softly. I open my eyes. Ruby.

(DISCONTINUED) 《Roses are Red》 Jaune Arc X Ruby Rose ~ Lancaster || RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now