Cold Night.

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Angelo walked up the stairs. It was a long walk to the room and he was more curious about what Anna and his father had to talk about.

"I can't believe that woman." He could hear Juliana's voice as he got to the last stair.

He saw Juliana and Micheal standing right in front of Nathan's room. Juliana looked so restless and Michael just had his eyes glued to the door. It was more like they were waiting for someone.

He could tell she was going to be in big trouble if she ever walked out of that room.

The door opened slowly.

"Thank you Morris." Anna greeted the butler as she walked out.

She halted in suprise when she saw Juliana and Micheal. She blinked.

"M-mother?" She could see the huge frown on Juliana's face. Why was she surprised anyway? Anna knew Juliana had the right to be there.

Juliana could feel her heart race and her pressure rise. She was filled with anger and disgust all at once. Seeing Anna leave that room brought a lot of heartaches to her heart.

"You shameless tramp."
She slapped Anna hard.

Angelo moved a little on reflex. He paused, remembering how he wasn't supposed to get involved with anything.
"How dare you?" He could hear Juliana say.

Anna's face was still turned to the other side trying to get over what had happened. It wasn't going to take long. It wasn't the first time anyway. She was used to it.

"How dare you make mockery of my son's memory? How dare you insult me right in my face? You have no shame."

Anna sniffed. She slowly turned to Juliana.

"Did you think I would not know? That I would not find out your dirty schemes?"

"I only came here because father asked me to." Anna knew what exactly Juliana was driving at. She had to defend herself.

"Father?" Juliana scoffed.

"Just who do you think you are? Why are you still here? My son's dead. The marriage is over but why aren't you gone?"

" Mother, you know I have no where else to go. Andre was my home. "

" Then you should have died with him."
Anna held her breath.

"Why are you still alive after you killed my son?"

"I did not kill Andre."

"Yes you did!" Juliana rose her voice.

"I did not kill Andre!"
Anna rose her voice too as tears welled up in her eyes.


Everyone remained calm. Anna tried to catch her breath. She inhaled several times before she exhaled.

"Believe it or not mother, I did not kill Andre."

Another round of silence!

Juliana scoffed.

"You see," she pointed at Anna. "You might have been able to fool everyone in this house but your dirty Atian ass can't fool me. I know what you're up to and I know my son was only a casualty in carrying out your plan. I know your kind. You all are nothing but ruthless savages that love to steal everything normal people work hard for. You are nothing but a worthless piece of trash, a charity project. And one day, when my husband dies, you'd have no one to fight for you, to protect you from me and I would make you pay dearly for what you did. I'd make you wish you never left that Arc in the first place. I will destroy you just like all your foster parents did. Because you," she pushed Anna slightly on her chest with her finger " - are- nothing. " she pushed after each word.

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