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Anna could hear the whispers as she opened the door leading to the office with the same questions clouding her mind with every step she took in,

What did he want to talk to her about?

She had stayed outside the door the entire time, finding the mental and physical strength to reach for the door knob. She was nervous. She just kept praying that she wasn't about to hear yet another bad news. She didn't imagine that she'd be the first person in the family Sophie Trusk would want to talk to first. What was wrong? Did she already agree to not do it? Did she come to personally tell her that? She didn't even know what to say or how to introduce herself the moment she got in. The last thing she needed was another family member thinking of her as undeserving to be heir of Trusk industries or judging the choices she made. She knew she had to leave a right impression. At least she had to try.

Breathe Anna

She told herself as she closed the door behind her. She could see the doctor's warm gaze rest on her, his warm smile encouraging her to reciprocate likewise.

"There she is."

The doctor announced so the lady sitting across his table could hear but the lady didn't move as Anna had expected her to. Instead, Anna watched her raise her cup of coffee to her lip and take a tiny sip. It had to be her; Sophie, Sophie Trusk.

Anna knew a lot about scents and so she could catch Sophie's the moment she walked in. The sweet but yet powerful smell of her cologne somehow made Anna a bit tensed everytime she took a breath. It was like that was all the air in room smelt like and her shiny black hair, it was so long and beautiful. One of the longest Anna had ever seen but that wasn't what got most of Anna's attention. It was how the color red adored her skin perfectly like it was made for her. Anna could tell her red dress was Chanel just from looking at it. She also had matching long heels.

"Please, have a seat Mrs Trusk." Anna turned to the doctor as he gestured the empty chair beside Sophie. She nodded lightly and then moved to the empty chair beside the lady.

Anna sat quietly, trying not to make a sound.
She was trying so hard to keep her eyes to herself too, maybe that could help her with the reputation she needed to build. If she was going to pull off her plans for her people, she needed to at least, have a Trusk on her side and she chose Sophie. Anna could notice every move Sophie made even without directly looking or paying attention. She watched her drop the coffee cup gently on the table, dropping one hand on each other and placing them gently on her crossed legs.

"Anna, I'd like you to meet a very important guest,"

The lady scoffed and chuckled lightly. They both turned to look at her while Anna's gaze just met her side view. Her perfect skin took Anna's attention first and then how that red lipstick made her lips so perfect, so beautiful.

" I'm so sorry." Sophie said trying to stop herself from laughing as loud as she already was. "It's just that I spent the entire evening and the time at the airport preparing the perfect introduction." She turned to Anna and smiled even more. "I wanted to be the one to do it first."

She was even more beautiful when she smiled.

"Oh." the doctor said. "Forgive me. I'd leave you to it then." Anna watched how her smile widened right before she turned back to Anna and cleared her throat.

How on earth could someone be so beautiful? She was just like everyone said, she really was the female version of Angelo. Her eyes were brown and pretty. Her nose was perfectly pointed and her lips carved to project and compliment the rest of her face and her smile, well it was the most sincere smile she had ever gotten from a human in years.

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