In the middle of the crowd

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"Do we have any other options?"

Angelo's eyes stayed glued on Shink's . It had been thirteen whole hours and none of them had thought of a way to rescue Anna. Maybe he'd have thought better if he had bothered to sleep the whole night, but how could he? The thought of Anna spending an extra hour at the NSS base terrified him. He was scared at the thought of all the horrible things they were probably doing to her.

Shink scratched his head for a minute glaring at the paper-filled desk in front of him. They had both been trying to find a loophole, a way to help Anna that they had forgotten the need to keep the office tidy.

Angelo exhaled

Running in circles wasn't exactly his thing. If only there was a number to call. As far as he was concerned, there were no loopholes when it came to Atian business. There was no kind of network or connection or relationship that could ever be above the law when Atians were involved. Maybe there was, he wasn't just sure who amongst the numerous people he knew, had that much power to order a move like that. As far as anyone knew, the NSS affairs were not as transparent as the world thought. They operated on a high level of secrecy and independence that other government structures didn't.

He wasn't even sure he had that much power yet. He was just an illegitimate Trusk that had a lot of money and co-owned the family's company with his wife . No one really introduced him and gave him a handbook on the kinds of people to meet in times like this, unlike the rest of his family.

Yes, a lot of powerful people had often tried to reach out to him for some sort of political relationship but all his life, he wasn't really a fan of politics and he hadn't been in the country long enough to know what buttons to push.  For all he knew, those people were just snakes after his money. They were just a bunch of old people trying to take advantage of his youth as far as business was concerned. He wasn't even sure he could trust them enough to include them in his personal business.

Well that was one side to what he thought. Even if he wanted to, he was sure that majority of the worlds population would never do a thing to help an Atian. Anna was right where she belonged as far as they, as in the majority were concerned. Angelo knew that no one was ever going to sacrifice their reputation in making a move like that , especially one he won't benefit from.

This was beyond him, this was beyond Trusk enterprise, this was beyond the amount of money he had. If he was going to save Anna, he knew the only thing that could go halfway was the law, and there was nothing about anything he was going through that was able to help. He threw the papers on the table in frustration, getting up as fast as he could.


He hit the table hard too.

Shink exhaled, shutting his own book .He couldn't exactly blame Angelo for throwing a fit. They were obviously stuck in an unending cycle of stagnation.

"I can't believe there's nothing at all we can do." Angelo's voice broke "I mean, all these books," he gestured at the table "All this money and company and influence and I still can't figure this out."

He hit the table again

"I'm sure there must be a loophole" Shink sat up "Something we can do, someone we can call, maybe we aren't just looking well enough."

"Yeah." Angelo scoffed "well, I can't think of Anything. We've tried everything Shink, there's nothing left, no one left."

"Not entirely everything," Shink stared at him. He knew Angelo was dying to know what he was talking about with the way he didn't move a muscle "how about we try talking to your mother. "

Angelo scoffed
So much for a good idea

"Think about it Angelo, she used to co own this company a long time ago with your father, and she is very influential. I'm sure there must be something she can do, someone she can talk to, someone in the NSS."

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