Tell the truth

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The room was so quiet.
Too quiet.

Angelo couldn't stop starting at Bill for a long while till it made him extremely uncomfortable. Bill was really lucky Angelo was sitting at the far end of the large board table with Sam one side beside him and shrink right at the other side glaring into a large document in front of him.

Of course Angelo had to invite Shink. He was the only one he could trust. He was the only one that needed the Clintons gone just as much as Angelo did and the  only lawyer qualified to be at that table at that time and Sam, Sam was just there to observe and show support even if Angelo insisted he didn't. There was no way Sam was going to let him handle Bill and Veronica alone.

Angelo sneered .

He just wanted his fists in Bill's face so bad but he knew better than to let his emotions get the best of him. Veronica had no idea what was going on. She was having a pretty good time admiring the large properly furnished board room.

Sitting on one of those chairs made her heart skip several beats, they felt so comfortable , too comfortable. She had never felt so royal.

"We are just going to cut to the chase."
Her day dream had to hold as soon as she heard Shink speak.

"Please do," Bill started not taking his eyes off Angelo too, he could sense it, he could sense Angelo's desperation to let him get a piece of his fist. "We have a huge feeling it's about Anna."

"Of course." Veronica added "Angelo I'm sure you didn't let us fly in your jet all the way from our home, and sleep in your expensive hotel just to look at our faces." She chucked staring at Angelo who tried so hard to act natural. "If it's about what we agreed on the last time Angelo, you don't have to worry. The Clintons always keep their word."

Angelo exhaled

"Mrs Clinton," he raised his gaze to her so he could glare at her too. "I don't remember giving you the permission to feel so comfortable around me or my wife." She frowned.


"It's Mr and Mrs Trusk to you." He made sure his words were as clear as crystal, even tough he could see how Veronica was shocked by his word choice. It was what he wanted, he was trying to send a message to them, to make them understand that he wasn't going to sit back and do nothing if they kept bothering Anna. Angelo slowly turned to Shink and nodded, giving him his permission to carry on.

"Anna told us you have some tapes about her in your possession." Shink started as he finally raised his gaze to them both. "We'd like to know what it would cost them to be in our possession, all of them."

Veronica scoffed just as Bill took the initiative to return the favor, he glared at Angelo right back.

"We don't know what you're talking about."
Veronica was quick to come to their defense, even though she was very bad at acting pretend. Angelo looked right into her eyes and he could already see through her lies.

"You knew." He told her.

Veronica held her breath. She didn't need Angelo to keep talking to understand where he was driving at.

"You knew all along what your husband did and you just let him do that to her." Angelo squinted his eyes like he still couldn't believe it. He knew he had promised Anna not to ever bring it up but he couldn't help it, just looking at them made his blood boil. It was so difficult trying to keep it in, he was so agitated.

"K-knew w-what?"

Angelo scoffed, he couldn't believe that she wanted to play dumb with it.

Veronica could feel the air in her lungs disappear suddenly, she had become so nervous with how Angelo was looking at her like that. He intimidated her and he had every right to.

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