A Letter To Paradise

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"Oh my God Pamela, it was so horrible. We've been waiting out here for hours but no one's saying anything."

Anna rubbed her palms together while she pretended to not listen to Patricia's phone conversation, checking her wrist watch again for the umpteenth time and taking a deep breath after she did. Patricia was right.

Why wasn't any of the doctors coming to talk to them about Angelo's situation?

"I don't know Pamela. I'm dying of worry. I'm really scared."

Anna exhaled as Patricia got up slowly, now she was pacing. She took deep breaths as she felt her worry increase. No mater how much she tried to hide it, she really was anxious about what was going on and pacing Patricia wasn't making it any better.

She had a lot of questions but the first one was , How on earth was Angelo?

"Mrs Trusk?"

Anna had never been so happy to hear someone call her that before. She got up quickly even before the doctor got close, a faint dash of hope in her eyes as she stared into his eyes, waiting for him to say something.

Patricia hurried behind her.

The doctor tried so hard to hide the look on his face, the scared look. He was really bad at it. Anna could smell the stench of anxiety that filled the room as soon as he walked in. Something was definitely up

"Doctor-" Anna felt a hard bump on her shoulder as Patricia brushed hers against Anna's while she tried to find her way closer to the doctor.

"How is he?" She cut in before Anna could even say anything, staring anxiously into the doctor's eyes while he stared back with only one question in his head,

Who on earth was that woman ?

"I'm really sorry miss-"

He started as he pulled his glasses down his nose, trying to sound as polite as he could.

"I'm only allowed to disclose matters concerning the patient's health to members of his family, members of the Trusk family."

Patricia held her breath and her other words,

"Hospital's policy." He added.

"It's okay doctor."
Anna cut in. The back and forth was getting really tiring and she knew there was no way Patricia was ever going to give in to some hospital policy as far as Angelo was concerned. She of all people knew how much Angelo meant to her. She was never going to just walk away.

"She can stay. She's like family."

"I am his family."
Patricia corrected not taking her eyes off the doctor while he had his curious look on Anna, his eyes dying to ask her the question "are you sure?"

He exhaled

"Well?" Patricia cut in. At this point, she just wanted to get his attention "how is he?"

"Asleep." The doctor said.
Anyone in the room at that time could literally hear Anna and Patricia's loud sighs of relief as they had their hands on their chests. Patricia walked back to the chair and sat on it, clasping her hands together while she said a silent prayer

"We've been able to stabilize him for now but we can't be sure he won't have another episode anytime soon."

Patricia looked up.


Anna didn't understand what he meant.
The doctor exhaled. He didn't know how else he was supposed to break the rest of the news.

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