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Angelo kept pulling Anna up the flight of stairs. He didn't stop for a second. He didn't even turn to look at her no matter how she asked him to stop. He was letting his anger and emotions get to his head. They got closer to her room.

"Angelo stop." Anna pulled her hand away.

Angelo halted facing the door. He placed his arms on his hips and bit his lips in frustration. He let out a weak breath and then turned to face her.

Anna pursed hers, trying to avoid as much eye contact as she could. She was feeling so embarrassed.

"Thank you for what you did," Anna told him, biting on her lip, "But I was handling it. I was fine."

"Yeah you didn't look fine to me." Angelo argued. She took a deep breath. "How could you do this to yourself? How could you let them do all that to you?" He asked her.

Anna turned to him. He knew. He had heard everything Anna said at the living room.

Damn it Anna.
Could your week get any worse?

Now she had more things to worry about and be embarrassed of. Why didn't she make sure there was no one there before she snapped? She sighed.

"Mind your business Angelo." She rubbed her wrists. They were hurting.

"Mind my business?" Angelo asked. "Are you serious?"

"I never asked for your help. That's what you shouldn't have done today, that's what you should not have done three days ago." Anna said.

Angelo thought. What was she trying to say? That he should have just let that bullet hit her?

"Fine then." He exhaled. "You don't want me in your business, you don't want me worrying about you, then don't give me reasons to."

Anna stared at him.
"And why on earth should you be worried about me in the first place?" She asked him. "From what I remember, we're not even friends. We're just business partners."

Angelo rolled his eyes. Here they went again.

"You cannot have these feelings for me Angelo, you cannot have any kind of feelings for me."

"Who said I did?"

"Cause you look like you do."

Angelo faked a smile.
"I don't."

She raised her brows.

"You like me."

"I don't."

She looked at him for a while.
"Good." She frowned.

Anna shut her eyes. She was getting really dizzy.

"Look." Angelo took a deep breath. "I'm not trying to concern myself with what's going on in your life but you don't deserve those people I just met, you can't let them control you like this, but it's cool if you don't want to talk about any of it."

"I don't."

"It's cool." Angelo nodded. Even though it was obvious Anna owed him a lot of explanations, he was going to be patient till she was ready to talk.

"But you should know that life's too short even for an Atian to be around people that don't see you as anything less or more than a monster."

"And what about you?" She asked him. Look who was talking? Angelo was the one that almost peed on his pants the other day. "What do you see me as?"

Angelo choked back on his words.

Was that a trick question?

Angelo gulped hard. He wanted to say something. He really wanted to but he just didn't know what to say. He wasn't even sure he knew the answer to what she had just asked. Anna ran out of patience when he didn't. Was she really waiting for an answer even though his answer was so clear?

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