Sleeping Dogs

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"Mrs Trusk!"
Anna slowed down, reducing her pace so her secretary could catch up since she had been running after her ever since she walked out of her office. Anna had half her focus on getting to the elevator and the other half on things about home, things like him, Angelo. She had only noticed the young lady that had been running after her, calling her over and over again when she was a few paces close.

"Mrs Trusk!"
Anna stopped right in front of the elevator, giving the really tall lady a chance to meet up while she let her bodyguard push the necessary buttons.

Besides the fact that she was breathing really loudly from all that running, Anna felt her when she got closer and she wasn't really happy she did. Anna had a lot on her mind as it was and the last thing she needed to hear was anything about work.
She really didn't need to be stressed about work more than she already was and she was almost sure that was the news her secretary brought, more work. She had her palms sweaty while she waited for the doors to come open.

"What is it Mariam?"
She asked weakly  a few seconds after she felt the lady's presence take a stand beside her as  she tried to pull her skirt a down a bit after it had risen above her knee thanks to all that running.

She just had twenty minutes to be on the top floor with the rest of the board for the meeting, one she didn't want to even attend and now she had to entertain a discussion about work she was really not interested in.

It hadn't even been two months and running the company was already too difficult for her. Who ever knew so much power came with so much stress? The pressure was a lot. Sometimes, like this time, it felt like she had no idea what she was doing. She could barely breathe without thinking about those that were dependent on this moment, she had a lot of people to prove somethings to, people she had to protect, people she had to show they were wrong about her, people she had to show she was fine without them. Running the company was hard, harder than she had ever imagined and sometimes, she just wanted to end it, to end all of it and return home, if her brother ever accepted her back.

She was sure there were a lot of people in the company that wanted her to make a mistake so the board could vote her out. Engaging in all the activities she could, helped her keep everything under control. Every board meeting, every project, every proposals and partnership meetings, she knew she had to always have her ears on the ground. Having spies here and there, private investigators and a PA wasn't enough. She knew she couldn't trust anyone.

"I'm sorry to disturb you ma'am but a change has been made in your schedule."

Anna watched the lady pull her glasses up from her nose while she stared into her iPad. Anna rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe her secretary had just chased her all the way to the elevator just to upset her on her schedule.

"What changes?" Anna had to at least act like she cared.

"Mrs Katherine called earlier. She would like to have lunch with you after your meeting."

Mariam kept her gaze focused on Anna even though Anna was barely looking at her, she hoped that at least that name was supposed to brighten up her face a little

"I would like to know if I should include it into your schedule ma'am?"

She continued, observing Anna's gaze carefully

Anna exhaled it was obvious she wasn't listening. Anna had no idea in the least what Mariam was talking about. She had her mind somewhere else.

" Ma'am?"
Anna exhaled.

"I don't know Mariam. I'm fine with whatever really."

"Oh." Mariam said almost in a whisper. "Alright ma'am"

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