Faulty Nine

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"Thank you."

Angelo took the towel gently from the maid right before she walked away, leaving him all alone now. He had looked forward to the privacy he was getting at that moment all day. He enjoyed the cool breeze that found its way to his skin every now and then. He took a deep breath and lowered his gaze to the water right in front of him, watching Anna's figure from where he stood, taking in every detail and movement as she swam her way to shore.

She was a perfect swimmer, Angelo was sure he had never seen anyone swim so gracefully like she did. Not like he knew but Anna had a lot to think about, she had a lot on her mind and each time she did, swimming seemed to be the only thing that took all her stress away. She had left the office early for this one reason. Angelo bent over and waited for her till she stuck her head out of the pool and took a deep breath of relief, wiping the water off her face while she did.

She wanted to take in the sun's warmth and got really inquisitive when she didn't meet any, not even a ray of it. She could smell how the air had also mixed with the scent of his perfume and could immediately tell that he had something to do with it.

Anna opened her eyes in a hurry, leaving a huge frown on her face as she did. Her frown got even worse when she noticed him right in front of her, just him, there was no one else. He stretched out a hand to help her out but She rolled her eyes immediately and scoffed, consciously ignoring his offer to help as she managed to pull herself out of the pool as fast as she could.

Angelo watched her leave the pool head first, right before her breasts and the rest of her body followed. He knew he was never going to get too used to seeing her swim naked anyway but he tried not to pay too much attention to it. He knew just how much she craved her, every inch of her and he hated how he had to fight himself every second of the day from feeling the way he did. Seeing her looking extremely beautiful, watching her curves define themselves under the sunlight. Angelo looked away immediately and cleared his throat so he didn't have to make himself suffer more than he already was.

He stretched the towel to her.

"Here." He said.

Anna kept her gaze on him as she snatched the towel from him the moment she saw how it was the only one in sight. If the odds were in her favor, she knew she'd have rather walked around the house stalk naked than accept help from him.

She had done her best to avoid him for as long as she could remember, and she was doing really good at it, she want going to let her ruin her efforts. She wrapped the towel around her body and held on firmly to the knot she had made at her side.

"I thought you had a meeting with the board today?" Angelo asked finally bringing himself to look at her when he was sure she was covered enough. "I didn't think you'd be here."

"Didn't feel like being in it." She said right before she eyed him and then turned to go. Angelo turned and met her walking away from him. She was heading straight to the back door. He followed her quickly.

"Anna!" He walked as fast as he could just so he could keep up with her quick pace. Anna didn't stop, she didn't look back either, she just wanted to be as far away from him as possible.

"Anna, we need to talk." He went on.

"If you have anything to say to me, tell my lawyer Angelo. That was the agreement wasn't it?"

"You've been avoiding me, I need to know why." He said just as they walked into the living room. Anna didn't stop, she didn't see any reason to and he knew. Angelo ran as fast as he could and grabbed her arm to stop her. He pulled her to face him, he was running out of breath and didn't think he could chase her any longer.

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