81. Alpha

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That was it

Anna glared at the boy for a while. Those were the exact same words Nathan had said to her. She never really understood why he said those words to her, she always just believed he was trying to encourage her all that time but now, everything was just so clear.

"So the cancer and everything else was a lie?"

"I told you we never left your side Anna." Gina continued. "We were always there. We found you first."

"All this time-with my froster parents-"

Gina shut her eyes for a second

"You knew?"

"We had to maintain our cover. You weren't ready, we had to be careful. That was why we sent word to the arc, to your brother, that was how he got you that lawyer."

Everything made so much sense now, but it also didn't at the same time.  Anna had always thought she was so lucky with the Trusks, but that was more than luck. It was like all her life was already programmed by these people she barely even knew. But none of what happened in the past mattered, she was over it now.

"He was a father- he had a life, a family."

"And so did the other thousands no," Gina shook her head, "millions of Atians they killed for years without mercy. Your father, your brother-"

"I'm well aware of my losses but that doesn't mean I can just go around killing people or recruit kids to do my dirty work."

The girl with spiky hair scoffed, she rolled her eyes.

"Did you even think of what might happen if people were to find out? If his family had found out?"

"I was ready for it."
The boy cut her off. He was determined to leave a first impression.

"Gina trained me my entire life for this moment. Trust me, Nathan's family didn't really care about him like you think."  He  added.

"It was really easy pretending to be him especially after I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. You saw it, all they ever wanted, cared about was his death so they could fight about who would control the company."

"Humans." The girl with spiky hair said, after clicking her tongue about three times. "always so greedy for everything."

Gina smiled, she walked away from him

" I once told you about an organization Anna, one built solely for the elimination of all our species, the black city."

What about it?

Anna wanted to ask so badly but she knew Gina was going to tell her anyway.

"For centuries, the Trusks have owned that organization and managed all its affairs."


"And before it's passed down to another Trusk for another generation, we need to find that company and destroy it. We need to get to level 45 or whatever that is."

"We think they might already be reaching out to Angelo." The boy continued "And we need to stop them before they do."

Anna turned to the younger boy immediately

"Angelo is the only one that can be chosen to continue in his father's footsteps, to continue his father's legacy. He's the only one that has access to level 45."

"Whatever it is they are planning, " Gina continued "whatever it is they are trying to protect in that room, we can't let them use it on us. We can't let them use it to destroy us. It's bad enough that the NSS already has a sample of his blood."

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