76. The second fight

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"Is there anything else you'd like Mrs Trusk ?"

Mariam watched Anna as she rubbed her forehead while she glared at her desk. She was having a headache and the thought of what had happened earlier clouded her head. She still couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe Patricia had been the one that had made her experience one of the worst moments in her life and what she couldn't believe even more, was how she had reacted to it.

But she didn't regret it, and if she could take it back, she was never going to. Patricia had brought out the worst in her, but it needed to happen.

"Mrs Trusk?"
Anna exhaled.

"Honestly, I just don't care Mariam, do whatever you want."


Anna rolled her eyes. She really didn't need to watch Angelo storm right into her office looking at disappointed and upset as he did. He was the last person she needed to see and he knew that. Anna got up quickly and headed to the window just in time to back him.

"Good day Mr Trusk." Mariam greeted

"Could you give me a moment with my wife alone please?" Angelo didn't bother to look at Mariam. His eyes were right on Anna

"Sure sir."

No one noticed her walk right out of the office.

"So now I'm your wife." Anna turned to look at him "it sure didn't look like that minutes ago."

"Anna," Angelo took a deep breath to calm himself. "what has come over you?"

She scoffed.

"Me?" She had to ask him. "What has come over you Angelo?" She walked back to the table "why did you take her side?"

"Take her side? I wasn't taking her side Anna, I was trying to protect you."

She rolled her eyes, he was at it again, talking about how her protection was the only thing that mattered to him. 

"I know you're upset and hurt-"

"Do you?" She asked him, walking back to the table and pretending to reach for her notebook.

"What you did out there, it wasn't the best thing to do. Do you have any idea what would happen if people start talking about this?"

"Then let them talk-"

"What about the NSS huh? What do you think is going to happen if Patricia presses charges?"

" I honestly don't care Angelo!" Anna raised her voice again and raised her head to look at him, throwing all the notebooks she had picked up earlier on the table so they made a loud bang noise. Her vision had become blurry all of a sudden, what Angelo said was a trigger. She hated it, she hated being at the mercy of all of them, she hated how she had to hide it all in, how she had to always do what she wanted because if she didn't, they were going to make her suffer and pay for it. Damn the humans.

"You have no idea what they did to me." her voice broke. She inhaled sharply trying to catch her breath.  "how much they hurt me at that base, and she did it, she was the reason, she gave them those tapes."

Angelo exhaled.

He really hated to see Anna cry. As a matter of fact, he had never seen her that way before. It melted his heart.

"Anna?" He took a step towards her.

"And you knew that. You knew exactly what she did and you did nothing about it."

"What was I supposed to do Anna?" He asked her  "was I supposed to jump her and try to strangle her to death just like you did?"

"Yes! If it was all it had to take to make things okay, to get justice for what they did to the woman that you claim to love then that was exactly what you needed to have done, what you should have done."

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