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Anna stuck her head out of the swimming pool gasping for air as she wiped the water off her face as fast as she could. That was the longest she had ever stayed. She really hoped she had drowned. Maybe that was going to make her feel less of a complete fool.

Gosh, She felt so stupid.

She let out a weak exhale as clips of what happened earlier at the company clouded her memory. She had no idea why she had been thinking about it lately, about how Patricia just barged into the room and the look on his face when he saw her. Why was she feeling that way? Why did she even care what happened? They had had sex, what was the big deal about it? Why did her feelings have to change because of it? Why did she care?

She could feel a figure hovering over her, blocking the sun from penetrating into her skin. Just what she didn't need, a second party.


She opened her eyes slowly, narrowing her gaze in his expensive Italian leather shoes. She rolled her eyes when she took in a deep breath and smelt his amazing cologne.

Angelo offered her a towel. She looked at it then at him. He was acting completely normal, like nothing had happened, not like he had any reason to not act normal anyway but she was irritated. She had to get out of the pool now. Anna held onto the rails climbing out of the pool completely naked. It was a sight Angelo was never going to get used to seeing but at that point, he wasn't surprised. He knew swimming naked was one thing she would never have traded for the world. He exhaled when she started to walk towards him.

She snatched the towel from him.

"I should have worn a swim suit if I had known I was going to be having a guest."
More like an intruder.

Anna wrapped the towel around her. She walked to one of the tables slowly and grabbed another towel. She wrapped it round her head. The irony of Angelo being a guest in his own home. No one actually went near the pool when Anna was having her alone time. The pool was where she went to think and relax and everyone knew that. He knew that.

"But it's nothing you've not seen already so,"
That was so awkward. Everything was. Angelo shook his head, dismissing the urge to leave a comment. He knew they had other things to talk about. Other important things like what happened the other night. It still bothered him that she was trying to ignore him the entire day.

"We need to talk."

"About what?" Anna asked pretending like she had no idea.

"About last night." Angelo saw the need to remind her even when he could tell she was intentionally acting dumb and ignorant. She was intentionally trying to sweep the topic under the rug. Anna stared at him for a while with a huge frown in her face. Did she really want to talk about the amazing sex they had had the night before? The sex she could barely remember but could still feel how her legs throbbed so much and have trances if memory clips from it too in her head? She could still hear her voice and her moans calling out his name and it embarrassed her. Even more reason why she didn't want to have that conversation with him or anyone. She was just going to forget about it, forget that it ever happened. That was what was best for everyone. For them both.

"There's nothing to talk about." She turned to the table, pretending like she was sorting out the towels.

"Come on Anna, we both know you've been avoiding me since last night-"

"And why would I do that?" She asked him. "It's not like we had anything to talk about before last night. We were never really close."
Angelo exhaled. She was right. Before the night that had passed, they never really saw eye to eye, but last night had happened and even though they didn't plan for it to happen, it did, and it made everything super awkward. It was only good they talked it out but it was really obvious Anna had no intentions of talking about it.

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