So Much For Family

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The hall was quiet, too quiet. Anna held her breath as she squeezed on tightly to her purse. She could feel her hands trembling under the table even as she managed to keep a straight face while she stared at Juliana and Micheal who were sitting right across her, trying to process what it was she had said.

Juliana let out a weak exhale. She had exactly run out of words but Micheal took up the pace. 

"So let me get this straight Anastasia," he started. "You want us to consider donating one of our kidneys to Angelo?"

She could recognize the look on micheal's face. It was fear. But it was definitely not fear for Angelo. He looked more like he was more terrified of her request .

"You need us to give a kidney to Angelo?"
He repeated. Anne could feel her fingers drumming anxiously on her purse. She was nervous.

Think about what the doctor said Anna, this is a state of emergency. You're personal feelings don't matter right now. Angelo needs this.

Being back at the Trusk mansion was the last thing she ever thought she was going to do ever since the last time. She knew how much she was not welcome in that house but somehow, something about Angelo being on his death bed made her consider a whole lot of options she never thought she ever could.

Anna drew a deep breath as the words "do it for Angelo" kept repeating in her head.

"Uh-" Anna started.

"Not immediately."

She held her breath as the doctor cut in to help her out. He could tell how nervous she was without even letting her speak. Thank Goodness. "We'd need to conduct a test to know if you both or any of you are suitable donors."

"I thought the hospital had a list for people in need of these things? And people who could already help?"

"Mr Trusk, we already included your brother's name to the list but there quite a number and no one is really excited to give out a kidney nowadays. In as much as I wish I could, it would be really difficult to manipulate the line in favor of  Mr Trusk. I'm afraid it might be too late before it gets to his turn seeing that he isn't responding to dialysis. We have to search for outside options. A friend of Mr Trusk's already volunteered but hers wasn't a match. I think the possibilities of finding a perfect match is with his family. "

"Step family." Michael corrected. "We're not even fully related. What's the possibility ours can be a match?" He whispered under his breath.

Anna sighed. She knew this was where she had to step in. She had to at least try to convince them to try. She leaned closer.


Juliana glared at her in disgust. Anna could see it but she wasn't paturbed.

"I know you and Angelo haven't gone along well in the past, but he is still your son. He's sick and he's dying. You can't just let him die, we can't let him die. You have to help him."

Juliana scoffed and adjusted her shawl.

"Not this Atian bird telling me what and what not to do." She said. Anna exhaled. Exactly what she thought. She and Juliana could never get along.

Mum," Michael tapped Juliana gently. He knew he had to remind her to be careful with what she said. Especially when there were non family members in the room.

"Remind me why you're even bothered by this?" She asked her. "I thought you wanted nothing to do with this family?"

"Look," Micheal cut in before Juliana said anything worse. "Anna, I get that you're only trying to help but it's not that easy. Even if mum was a match, she can't possibly be a donor." Micheal added.

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