long Secrets

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"A secret account?"
Anna exhaled. She slowly grabbed her mug of coffee from her table as she rose it to her lips.

"And you're sure it's not Angelo's?"
She thought for a while, taking  tiny sips from her warm coffee. She rose her gaze to meet Shink's who just stood across her table with a really shocked look on his face. Ever since Anna had told him about the secret account, his anxiety was off the roof. It was a lot to take in.

"Why would Angelo have a secret account?"
Anna had to ask as she took another sip from her coffee not taking her eyes away from his.

"Have you asked him?"

"Of course not. What am I going to say?" She rose her brows. "Hey Angelo, I found out your Mum has a secret account and it happens that it's still in use and could be in use for some sort of secret operation to find a terrorist organization, are you the one using it?"

Shink exhaled. Anna did make sense. How was she supposed to break the news to Angelo without sounding crazy?

"Besides, I don't think I'm one of the people Angelo would love to talk to about his family right now ."

"Huh?" Shink whispered leaning closer so he could hear her properly. What did she mean? Anna looked away. She wasn't sure she knew how to explain it, what happened on the hill but Shink knew. He could read her like a book. He exhaled weakly.

"Anna, you can't be fighting with Angelo. Not at a time like this. We can't afford to. We need him if we're going to have access to level forty five. We need him to find the black city and report back to the G-unit." He whispered.

"Do you think I don't know that?"
Anna whispered back.

Why on earth were they whispering?
There was no one else in the room besides them.

Anna rolled her eyes. How on earth could Shink make conclusions when he didn't know half of the story. When he didn't know half of what was going on? There was a reason why she wasn't putting so much effort. If Shink knew that reason, he'd probably not push her so hard.

"Angelo is in love with me Shink."
At this point, whispers were useless.


"And I literally told him to kiss my ass when I found out. He told me about his feelings and I told him I didn't care about how it. I said a lot of hurtful things and I think I must have hurt his feelings. Now he's rebelling. He won't talk to me or look at me." She exhaled and rose a hand to rub her forehead. "I screwed things up really badly Shink."

"Well do you?"
Anna rose her gaze back to him, trying to understand the correlation between the sentences.

"Do I what?"

"Like him?"

"Of course not."
She snapped. Shink exhaled in relief.
He nodded his head, that was good. That was good news. He was glad with the answer she gave him and Anna could see it. She knew how it was forbidden for her people to like one of them, one of the humans. Both people have been at war for centuries, one suppressed and oppressed by the other. Having feelings for a human as an Atian, could make her lose her people's trust in her.

He examined Anna's eyes just to be sure. Anna's gaze was firm on his. It looked almost honest. Shink rubbed his temples and let out a shaky breath.

"We need him Anna. You need to figure out a way to settle whatever it is you have with him. We can't do nothing without him. We are stranded at this point. It's obvious Angelo is linked to all of this. He is the missing piece we need. He's the answer to all of it. We have to do anything to get to where we should."

To Err Is HumanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora