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"Angelo you can't just cut end Trusk group's partnership with Tanny resort."

Sam tried to be as calm as he could but somehow, his voice managed to echo around the large office as Angelo kept his gaze straight, and fixed on where he was trying to get to.  He walked straight to his desk while Timothy scurried along behind them, taking notes and holding on to his tablet diligently. He took a stop right in front of them when he noticed how both men had tried to take a comfortable position on Angelo's work space.

"Trusk wine has worked hand in hand with Tanny for years, think of what something like that could do to the company, a move like that could cripple Trusk wine for a long time."

"I already told you Sam," Angelo pulled off his jacket and threw it on his sofa "Until Tanny resort agrees to our terms on increasing our own percentage from the sales of our wine, we can't work with them anymore."

Angelo walked straight to his large chair and threw himself in it while Sam took the chair right across him. If he was going to spend the rest of the day trying to talk sense into Angelo's stubborn skull he had to at least do that while sitting. He exhaled loudly

"Angelo you know how Christopher is, he'd never agree to this. We'd be losing a lot if Tanny decides to partner with our competition."

"Then let them."Angelo typed a few things into his laptop "Christopher is well aware of how important his partnership with us is. I'm not sure he's ready to lose all that from insisting to do what he wants, he'd come around eventually, I'm sure. I just have to make this right Sam, Trusk wine has been kept on the sidelines for so long, it's been running at a loss too and if it goes on, we might have no choice to shut it down. We need to get it up and running again, better this time."

Sam exhaled

There was completely no use trying to convince Angelo anymore. It was like he already had his mind made up and when he did, there was no changing his mind.

"Timothy?" Angelo looked away from his laptop, looking right at Timothy who walked closer to the large desk as soon as he heard his name

"Mr Trusk?"

"What's the next on my schedule?"

"Um," Timothy looked into his iPad for a second "You have a meeting with Bayleds in an hour and then the board also requested for a meeting at two-thirty, also, there's another meeting with the mining department's director at four PM and at six, your mother asked to have dinner with you,"

"What about our guests? Did their trip go well?"

"Mr and Mrs Clinton arrived in the state an hour ago, they are now resting in their hotel as we speak."

Angelo nodded in satisfaction

"They seemed to be very excited being in the jet you had sent to pick them up from the airport, and it seems like they made themselves quite comfortable In the hotel room too." Angelo scoffed in disgust

" Of course they would. They have always stepped on people all their lives to make themselves comfortable."

He tapped the table loudly with his fingers and then turned to Tim again

"Make sure they have everything they need." Angelo dropped his glass cup "See to it that they are properly taken care of."

"Yes sir,"

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