Two Wrongs

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"They are coming!"

Anna heard her older brother Lucas yell as he rushed into the room. It took less than a minute for her perfect family dinner to turn into a mad house. Everyone was up on their feet and running around, trying to fix everything like they usually did anytime there was an inspection.

"Hurry! Hide Anna!"

"Oh my God, John-" Her mother's voice broke as she called out to her father who she watched pick up her plate still half filled with Omelets in a hurry. She watched him hurriedly empty the food into the dustbin while Lucas kept watch from the from the window. It was how it always was every time they came. She always had to hide. They always tried to make sure there were no traces of her in the house. Ever since Anna was born, she wasn't allowed to do so many things because she knew her entire family could get into trouble if anyone found out she existed. If anyone found out that her parents broke the law.

He gasped.

The soldiers... He could see them coming.

"They're close!" He shut the door quickly and then stood in front of it, urging them to hurry. Caesar, the first son rushed towards the centre of the room. He pushed the rug aside.

"Anna." Rita grabbed her hands. She could feel her mother's hands shake even as she was smiling like there was nothing wrong.

"Baby, you have to go down into to the basement like you always do okay? Just like I showed you." Rita asked, running her hands through her hair as though to soothe her. "It's only going to be a second. You don't have to be scared, I'd be right here okay?"

Anna nodded.
She wasn't scared. She had done this over and over again for the past eight years. Plus, her father always promised that she wouldn't have to hide anymore. They were going to find a way soon, a way to escape. She wouldn't have to hide anymore. All she had to do was wait it out till then.

"Good." Rita nodded slowly

"Don't be scared Anna." She muttered under her breath. "You're going to be fine."

"Come on baby." John grabbed her hand.

"Dad, hurry!" She heard Lucas yell as Caesar took off the lid of the trap door which led to the tiny basement.

As an Atian, Anna knew the law permitted only two children per Atian family. The humans were trying so hard to control their population and if they ever found out that her parents were hiding a third child for eight years, it was game over for all of them.
They were going to kill her and her father.

"Be careful."
She heard John say as Ceasar helped her get into the pod.

"Just like every other day." Her brother whispered.

She nodded.

She felt darkness envelope her as soon as he closed the lid. He placed the rug back, got up quickly and then stood on the spot.

Knock! Knock!

"NSS!" They heard someone yell from outside the door.

"Lucas!" Rita drew in a deep breath and then nodded, signaling him to open the door.

He drew in a deep breath, turning the door knob slowly.

In the blink of an eye, he was pushed away from the entryway as four men rushed in, guns in their hands.

"Stand away from the table with your hands on your head!" One of them yelled.

John took the lead. He stepped away from the table and the rest of his family followed suit with their hands above their heads, trying to act like everything was normal.

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