The Meet

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So much for his first family dinner in a long time.

Angelo sighed as he walked to the pool with his hands stuck firm in his pocket. He walked to one of the tables and leaned on it. He looked into the pool. He could almost see his reflection in it that's to the light from the really bright moon. He drew a deep breath as he felt the cool wind on his face. Nothing had changed at all. At least not the pool.

Just looking at the pool brought back so many memories.

"One, two, three," Angelo heard Michael count as he hopped around the large pool, playing a game of tag all by himself. He was being too loud and it was making Angelo really frustrated. He kept sighing everytime Micheal counted. It was hard to concentrate with all that noise.

"Four, five," Micheal paused and then turned to Angelo. "Angelo could you come play with me?" Angelo exhaled. He didn't bulge. He was so focused in his books.

"Not now Micheal."

"Please play with me." he pouted

"Stay away from the pool Mike. That's what mum said."

"But mum's not here. Teach me how to swim."
Angelo turned and looked at him.

"Andre won't teach me."

"I'll tell you what." Angelo smiled. "I'll teach you how to swim when you clock six next year. That would be my birthday gift to you."

Micheal frowned. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Just step away from the pool before you fall in."

Micheal stuck out his tongue at him. Angelo scoffed. He slowly turned back to his book.

"Calcium" he said to himself. He had to master the first twenty elements before school the next day. He could not afford a distraction.


Angelo heard the maid scream. He turned quickly. Micheal wasn't standing there anymore. He got up quickly and then rushed to the pool.

"Mike?" He looked in, in search for Micheal and gasped in suprise. Micheal was drowning. He was so terrified.

"Mike!" Angelo took his shirt off quickly and jumped in.

"Micheal!" He could hear Juliana yell as he pulled Michael out of the water. Meanwhile, Michael struggled to gasp for air. Andre was right behind Juliana.

"Get away from him." She pushed Angelo out of the way.

"Mum." Micheal was so scared.

"Baby, are you okay?"
Micheal coughed. He tried to get all the water in his nose out.  "Oh my God. My baby, my poor baby." She was almost starting to cry.

"I had no idea he was going to jump in." Angelo tried to explain as a maid rushed to Michael with a towel.

Juliana turned to look at him.

"You had no idea or you pushed him in?"

"What? No." Angelo got up slowly. "I swear I didn't... I - I had no idea he was going to jump in."

Juliana got up too, leaving Micheal in the Andre's care.

"You ungrateful child." Juliana slapped him.

Angelo could remember crying himself to sleep that night. Crying for his mum. A tiny smile appeared in his face. Those memories were like they just happened. It faded when he saw something moving in the water. More like someone.

He watched Anna stick her head from the pool, trying to clean the water on her face off. She held on to the rails as she climbed the stairs out gracefully. She was naked. Completely naked.

Her long legs sparkled in the moonlight. Angelo looked till she got way up. She was the most beautiful being he had ever seen. He held his breath at the sight of her firm breasts and perfectly carved nipples.

Anna held her breath when she saw him. She stood still for a second. She had no idea that anyone was going to be at the poolside by that time. She wasn't suprised or shy either even though he was staring at her now with his jaws almost dropped. It was more like she wanted him to have a good look.

He looked away. He had seen enough.

"I'm sorry." She said walking to the table, pretending like she was  and picked up a clean towel. She wrapped it around her quickly.

"I had no idea anyone was coming to the pool at this time."

Angelo cleared his throat.
"It's fine." He opened his eyes slowly with his head still turned.

Anna squeezed the water from her hair. Angelo scoffed. She smiled. She loved it when people felt so uncomfortable around her. She knew exactly who he was.

"I don't think we've formally met. I'm Anna Storm." She stretched her hand for a shake.

Angelo turned slowly to look at her. He looked at her hand. He inhaled sharply and then looked away.

Anna thought taking her hand away. He was trying to play hard to get.

"I don't think swimming is good for an invalid." Angelo said.
Anna scoffed.

"Invalid ? I'm not inval-" Anna paused. What did he care?
She turned quickly to pick her clothes from the ground. Angelo was forced to look at her big butt staring at him.

'Too low Angelo. Even for you.'
He cleared his throat. Was she doing this on purpose? Was she trying to seduce him?

'Come on Angelo. She was your brothers fiancé. But he has to give it to Andre. Andre wasn't so bad at picking the right  women.

Angelo's eyes rose up to the tattoo of a crescent moon at the back of her neck right above her right shoulder. It was so beautiful.  She turned quickly and he diverted his gaze immediately to the pool.

"Miss Storm! " They both turned as the maid yelled Anna's name while she walked as fast as she could towards them.  Anna waited till she was close enough while Angelo listened carefully.

"Miss Anna,"


"It's the chairman. He wants to see you."

"Oh..." Anna stammered. "Really?" Anna wore her flip flops quickly. The maid nodded. "I'd just get dressed and be with him shortly." The maid nodded again and then walked away. Anna slowly turned to Angelo.

"It was nice meeting you Angelo." She told him. She walked away before Angelo could say anything at all.

Angelo scoffed as he watched her walk away as fast as she could. Were the rumors true? Was Juliana right? Were Anna and his father somehow attracted to each other? Why else was he so fond of her?

He inhaled.

It was going to be a long night.

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