The Start Of The Chunin Exam

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Chapter 26:   The Start Of The Chunin Exam

Boruto yawned lazily as he walked inside the ship. It has only been a few hours after he had wake up after the "Time travel" accident and the Uchiha family and Uzumaki family were the only ones late. It was a good thing his father was the Hokage, otherwise the ship would have left them.

"Oy Boruto over here!" Shikadai yells as he swings his hands. Boruto smiled and walked towards him where his team are. "Hey guys." Boruto greeted sitting down on a chair.

Inojin was painting the ocean while Chou chou was talking to Sarada on the balcony. "Inojin-kun, thats a very nice painting." Himawari complimented making Inojin blush.

Boruto slowly walked towards them with black aura around him until his mother stopped him with a chuckle. "Boruto, I think its best if you leave them alone." Hinata teased.

Boruto sighed in defeat and went back to where Shikadai was. He heard a few noises that caused him to look back and saw his father with the same aura he had earlier and his mom who was stopping him from ruining their daughter's moment.

He chuckled and went back to his seat. "Wow, both you and Lord seventh really are protective of Himawari." Shikadai plainly pointed out as he was playing Shogi by himself. One of his hands was playing while the other holding a small book that contains some techniques. "Yeah, can't help it." Boruto muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"By the way, isn't your father on the ship with us? Shouldn't you be playing Shogi with him?" Boruto asked. Shikadai grunted and continued. "He's already on at the Hidden Mist village along with the chunin leaders."

"Oh, i see." Boruto replied. He looked over to the balcony where Chou chou and Sarada are who were laughing. Boruto blushed just thinking about her and moved around his chair just in case if anyone saw him.

Shikadai who was looking at the book, looked at Boruto and chuckled "Go for it bro." He said with confidence on his voice. "Huh? What do you mean?" Boruto asked nervously. Shikadai closed the book and smirked at him, his thumb automatically pointed to where the girls are.

Boruto blushed again and gathered all his courage to just casually walk around the balcony. As he was almost near them, he heard a few cheers at the background. He turned to his back and saw Mitsuki and Shikadai whispering. "Don't just stand there looking at us!" Shikadai yells in a whisper. "He's right! I placed my bet on you!" Mitsuki joined in.

Now this makes Boruto a lot more nervous. He is grateful he had friends who were supporting him, but sometimes they are NOT making the situation better. He shrugged it off and did a small cheer to himself as he made it to the balcony without doing anything embarrassing. He was suppose to scare Sarada until two hands embraced him.

"Heeey BORUTO!" A purple haired girl squeals as she hugs him. Because of this, both Sarada and Chou chou looked at them. "Greeeat" He said to himself. For a split second he heard Shikadai and Mitsuki groaned angrily at them.

"H-hey Sumire.." Boruto said annoyed. "Wait a minute..why are you  here anyway? I thought your team wasn't participating?" Boruto asked. On the corner of his eye, he saw Sarada and Chou chou walked away with a frown on her face.

"Oh, well the ship isn't moving yet so I thought to say goodbye to you before you go." Sumire said. "All aboard! We're moving!" The captain said. "Thank lord." Boruto thought to himself. "Well see ya!" Sumire quickly said, she gave a small peck on his cheeks and went back to her shy self as she exited the ship.

"What on earth?" Boruto mumbled. He looked around to find Sarada. After a few glances around he stopped looking and sank back in his chair where Shikadai, Mitsuki even Inojin was cheering him up. What on earth had gotten that purple haired woman mad?

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