Love Confession 1

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Damnn already 60 pages? Lol. By the way, I wrote this story waaaay before in May and I just added some this and that and rewritten it-ish. I want to let you guys know!

Chapter ?- I forgot what chapter we are in 😂.

Love Confession 1

Sarada's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! I grunted shutting my alarm clock with my fist that cause it to break instantly. I sighed getting up from bed stretching my hands followed by a good yawn. I walk towards the clock and throwing it on the trash can, we can probably buy a new one next time. After cleaning it up, i took a shower and readied myself.

Today's the day i finally tell that Baka how I feel. My eyes are still red from all the crying I did yesterday. It took me days to finally realize my feelings for him. I really hate it when i feel weird when he's either close to me, smiles to me, hugs me, calls my name or practically all of the above.

Its time for it to stop. I'll just blurt out my whole feelings for him. Though on the back of my head tells me not to, because, what if he rejects? I mean even if he did, Boruto's not the kind of person to laugh or reject it in a harsh way.

I won't care if he rejects or accept. But...what if he rejects? Will it ruin my friendship with him? What if we avoid each other forever? I can't stand that! I slapped myself in the face and shook off my exaggerating thoughts.

But they are right. Telling my true feelings for him, he'll probably thinks I'm crazy or probably going ignore me for the rest of my life!

"Damn it.." I muttered and went downstairs with an unusual greeting. As i went downstairs, mom and dad are not there. They usually greets me every morning (well if papa's not home then it's only mom.)

As i walk towards the bridge, my heart pounds loudly. Every step i took, the more regret of coming there kept increasing. I took a few small breathes to calm me down and stood up tall.

"Come on Sarada, Uchiha's aren't cowards." I muttered hoping to possibly have a small confidence. I sighed and smiled as the thoughts of 'what if he feels the same' stays in my mind.

I happily walk around with a few smiles from people and a greeting from Chou chou on the way. "Hey Sarada where you up to?" Chou chou asked. I grunted then replaced it with a giggled which surprised Chou chou and myself. As she heard it, i was about to say something against it until i saw her smirk. "Greeat to late.." I said to myself. "Go get your man girl! Tell me what happens kay? I heard you mumble you LOVE him yesterday." Chou chou teased but it gave me more confidence.

"Sure thing." I replied smiling nervously to her and continued my way.

After 10 minutes later I look around and spotted a blonde hair boy. I smirked on how i found him easily but after one step i stopped. What am i doing? This is ridiculous! No no..come on! Its now or never. I kept shouting to myself. He'll love you back!

After that thought, a wave of confidence came to me. I took another deep breathe and walk towards him. "Hey Boruto...." time seems to stop as i saw him turn around holding hands with....Sumire.

"Ahh heh Sarada!" His voice sounds completely nervous. Maybe I'm not suppose to be here. Or maybe I interrupted something between them...I saw Sumire smirked and kept a firm hold on his hands which crushed my heart even more.

"I-i uhh never mind. Continue what you both were doing." I said and quickly ran away. For a moment i heard him say my name but who cares? I was too late anyway.

"Nice going Sarada." I mumbled to myself as tears began to fall from my eyes. I kept running and running and ran past Chou chou who was with someone calling my name as well. She probably found her true love. Oh what on earth am i saying? She. ALREADY DID.

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