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Chapter 19 Back home.

In the Hokage's office.

Naruto was sitting down in his normal bored face and opens up a familiar package.
He sighed when he opened the lid "Try again." He sank back to his chair and starts eating. It was the 32th time he was opening and eating Ichiraku instant cup noodles and it seemed as if his luck was fading away.

A knock came revealing a lazy black haired man sighing at him. "Naruto, stop wasting time eating those things and get back to work." He said lazily as he puts more papers on his desk.

Naruto groaned to him and took out his pen and starts scribbling things on the papers. Shikamaru chuckled at his friend while looking around his office. Lots and lots of ramen cups are stacked up everywhere. "You know you have the free ramen card right?" Shikamaru pointed out.

Naruto's eyes widened in realization and scratches his head. "Gaaaaahh!" He screamed "I'm so stupid." He muttered with one of his hands covering his eyes.

He then stands up looking around "Did you find Boruto and Sarada?!" He yelled. Hours have passed when his son asked permission to train. And it worried Naruto a lot. Suddenly he got dizzy for a moment and almost fell. "Shadow possession jutsu!" He stopped moving and sighed. "Thanks Shikamaru."

Shikamaru shook his head and helped him get back to his seat. "I think you're doing too much. Maybe you should take a day off." Naruto only shrugged his shoulders and looked back to him. Shikamaru noticed his worried eyes and smiled "They're fine Naruto. They're both yours and Sasuke's child after all."

Naruto to a deep breathe and calmed down. "You're right." He turned his chair around to the window facing the village. "I hope 'he' didn't took it too far." He thought to himself.

"Plus I've already informed the leader of team 7 about their new mission. I'll take it from here." Shikamaru offered.

Naruto waved his hands and smiled to him "Nah, its all right. He said sleepily and starts to drifts off to sleep. It was going so well until he got woken up by a big blast on his door.


Meanwhile Boruto and Sarada entered the village gate. Boruto happily sighed as he walks around "We're finally home!" He exclaimed. It was almost sunset and they left before lunch so they were gone for a long time. He looked over to Sarada who's face still looked worried.

"Sarada, you okay? Did something happen while you were fighting with the man?" He asked concerned. Sarada looked away "I-I seriously thought you almost died t-there." She stuttered as she holds the tears that are forming in her eyes. Boruto's face turned guilty as he walked pass her and went to her front facing her face. His heart crushed as he saw the tears that were in her eyes.

Sarada's eyes widened and looked away again wiping her coming tears. "Baka, don't look at me like that!"

Boruto kept his eyes on her while frowning. "Sarada..." he said softly as he gave her hug from behind. After that action Sarada's tears fell down as she sobbed Boruto chuckled. He turned her body to him so both are facing each other. He gave her a warm smile and hugged her again. It took a while but eventually she calmed down.

"Did you forget?" He asked softly earning a confused look from Sarada. "F-forget what?" She asked.

"I'll protect you remember? Even if I die, I'll die protecting you." He replied. Another shed of tears came from her eyes. But this time it was different, she was happy. The baka that she never wanted to be teamed with was now hugging her and trying to calm her with soothe words. She hated him. She only thought she was friends with him because their parents were friends. But that was what she felt before. Now felt something far different. She felt that she had made a trustworthy friend, a comrade, she felt protected and most of all she

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