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Chapter 8 Training with mom

At the backyard there Boruto and Hinata stands up and did their hyuga clan posture which of course are practically the same pose since Boruto got his taijutsu qualities from his mom.

"Boruto, To be honest I want to tell you first of all that this is a difficult move to counter since this move is to defend." His mom began.

"I'll try my best mom! There is no way I'm giving up" Boruto said with a huge smile on his face.

His mom just smiled then turned to a serious one "Surprise me then,"
A few seconds passed and Hinata did the move.

"Eight trigram rotation!" She exclaimed.
Now Boruto charged in to her mom with his jutsu "Shadow clone jutsu!" making at least 3 clones in total.

Time passed at 5:00-6:30

It was getting quite a bit late and her mom needs to cook their dinner. Even Himawari was too tired to watch that she fell asleep.

Meanwhile both Boruto and Hinata are both tired from their training.

He tried pretty much anything just to counter it. And nothing seemed to work.

"Aww damn it!" Boruto screamed getting impatient.

Hinata stands and did her posture again. "Giving up?" His mom teased. "Naruto-kun wasn't like this Boruto, he never gives uuupp" His mom teased him more.

"No I'm not!" he said standing "One more time mom"

At that Naruto came home but no one was there. He only saw Himawari sleeping in the couch with a blanket on and with her favourite panda plush. He smiled and kissed his daughter in the forehead.

He looked around and sighed "Hinata's probably still training" he thought. When he came to their backyard he was surprise that Boruto is there training with her. He looks exhausted.

And at that Boruto lost again. "I give up" Boruto surrendered.

Hinata just look at him with a concern smile. "You'll do it soon Boruto" she said in a calm tone which made Boruto calm as well.

Naruto just smiled at this sight.
Hinata saw Naruto and gave him a smile seeing this his grin grew bigger.

Hinata was suppose to walk to him until Boruto speaks up "Hey mom..."
"Hmm? What is it Boruto?" She asked

"How are you so fast?" He asked with a tired voice.

Hinata smiled at him then to Naruto. "Before I got pregnant with you, your father trained me"

Boruto looked at her then noticed that his father was looking at them in the door. He just gave him a smiled and a little wave to his dad.

"What kind of training?" Boruto asked interested.

"Speed" His mom replied. "I need to go cook dinner now"
"Speed huh?" Then something clicked him.

"I think i know how to counter it!" He said loudly.
Hinata smiled to him and give a kiss to her husband. "How's work?" she asked

"But I need more training" Boruto thought then sighed.

"Much better, less papers" Naruto said with a yawn.

Hinata smiled then sat down in the couch and sighed heavily. Naruto sat beside her and cuddled "You don't look good" Naruto said worriedly.

"Just tired from training. He got his determination from you" Hinata chuckled.

Boruto then came and tries to sit down realizing that Himawari was sleeping on it. He looked over to the other couch where his parents cuddles.

He gave them a disgust look but brushed it off.

Hinata tries to stand but was too tired. "Hinata don't tire yourself more, I'll buy us some ramen" He smiled

"After all..." He looked to Boruto which gave him a confused look "I still owe him his ramen"

Hinata just smiled and nodded. Naruto stands up "Boruto wanna go buy some ramen?" He asked

Boruto then turns his head to his father, his eyes gleaming with joy it almost seems like he wasn't tired at all. "You bet!" He exclaimed "I've been waiting for my limited edition rameeeen" He dances around and Naruto just chuckled.

"We'll be back" Naruto said closing the door.

(At Ichiraku Ramen)

"Can we have 3 Miso Ramen and 1 limited edition" Naruto said.
"Coming right up" a man said.

"Naruto it's been a while" Ayame said "Oh and Boruto too" They both smiled widely at her which makes her smile too.

"How's your father Ayame?" Naruto asked while waiting for the ramen, meanwhile Boruto was just lost in his thoughts.

"He's at home feeling just fine" Ayame responded while giving them the 2 ramen in a take-out bag.

"Here you go" She gave them the bag and Boruto frowned realizing there were only two bowls packed.

"Umm ne-chan where's the other two?" Boruto asked

Ayame smiled at him "Well right here..." she said placing their bowls in the table.

"Woaaah" Boruto said with joy in his eyes. Naruto just looked at him smiling then looked at his bowl and it was limited edition too.

Naruto frowned "Ayame you must have mistaken my order, I didn't took the limited edition" Naruto said confused.

Ayame smiled again and pointed at Boruto "He ordered the limited ramen for you"
Naruto put up a confused face and took out his frog wallet to pay for the bowl.

"uh no need for that Naruto" Ayame said waving her hands.

"Ugh I paid it for you Old man, now eat up" Boruto said grabbing some chopsticks.
"Boruto you don't have to do that ya know?" Naruto said flustered.

Boruto just smiled to him "Our deal was for you to treat me, I can treat you anytime I want now eat up" Boruto gestured to eat using his chopsticks.

Naruto smiled back and the both say thank you then began eating.

While they were eating Naruto noticed that Boruto looked kind of distant to him.

"Boruto is there something wrong?" Naruto asked worriedly he has never seen his face like that anymore because he usually acts like that when they hated each other.

"Dad can I ask you something?" Boruto asked

"What is it? Naruto replied

"Can y-you train me?" He said looking away.

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