Meeting young faces from the past

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First if all..Im sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry IM SOOOORRRRYYY! *takes a deep breathe* It has been..idk a week? Maybe two weeks since i have updated and i can explaaain. I was SERIOUSLY busy these few weeks and I didn't even have time to write a freaking story! Not only that i felt really awful and stressed out. I almost miss my deadline. And to top everything off, we didn't have internent for a whole 3 days..THREE WHOLE FREAKING DAYS! I almost died without it. Anyway that is all, onward to the story! P:S its a long one.

Chapter 25 Meeting young faces from the past

"Ehhhh what the heck?" Boruto yelled as he stood up. He looked to the three who's eyes are glued to him. Boruto's eyes widened as he saw 5 Hokage's faces and three familiar faces. The first one was Uncle Kiba, his future teacher Shino sensei and last but not the least his own father.

"Shit." Boruto muttered. "Hey you're not suppose to say those words since your still a kid ttebayo!" Naruto said as he heard his word. "Since when did you care ttebasa?" Boruto replied annoyed. "Ttebasa? Who on earth are you?" Naruto asked.

"IM...." Boruto stopped as he remembered they're still at the past. "Answer the question! Jeez you're so annoying." Kiba said impatiently. "I...hang on. Where is my sister....s?" Boruto asked. "Who?" Naruto asked dumbfounded. "Still stupid when your still young." Boruto muttered "Hey I heard that!" Naruto yelled. "And I don't care BAKA!" Boruto countered.

"Why you..." Naruto said as he pulls his sleeves up. "Naruto, i think this boy knows the two young kids we found earlier. Why? Because one of them have whiskers like he does." Shino pointed out. "Hmm? Oh yeah when you think about it, he does look like you Naruto." Kiba said as he smells Boruto. "Hey the heck are you doing?!" Boruto yelled. "Huh? Smells like you too." Kiba added.

"Okay. Tell us who you are mister or we'll use force." Naruto threatens. "Pleaaase do you think that'll work on me? You're even stupider than you were older. Shit." Boruto said as he covers his mouth. "Older?" Naruto asked. "B-because i know someone that looks like you, hehe sorry." Boruto covered but Shino stepped in. "It seems like you're not from here aren't you?" Shino asked as he looks at Boruto in the eye.

Boruto gupled and "NI-CHAN WE'RE OVER HERE!" Himawari screams. As soon as Boruto heard that he zooms pass them and walked towards Himawari who was with Ino. "Hima are you alright?" Boruto asked as he hugs his sister tightly. Himawari giggles and gestures to be carried.

Boruto sighed and carried her to a piggy ride. "Aww so cute!" Ino squeals. "By the way you haven't answer our question yet." Naruto said as they walk up to them. "Uhh can we talk about this in-." Boruto said until "Otousan!" Himawari shouts as she ran and tackled Naruto to the ground. "What are you doing ttebayo?" Naruto grunted.

"Hima no!" Boruto said as he took Himawari off their father's chest. "But ni-chan.." Himawari pouted. Boruto gave the teens a smile "Could you all please excuse us for a moment." Boruto said as he ran with Himawari.

"Ni-chan?" Himawari asked. "Sorry Hima, but thats the past self of dad. He doesn't know anything about us." Boruto explained. "B-but I thought that grandpa already sent us back?" She asked. "Perhaps a minor glitch or something..." Boruto replied. "Oh, where's Sarada anyway?" Boruto asked. "I don't know, we separated." Himawari replied. "HEY YOU TWO! DONT THINK THAT YOU CAN RUN OFF LIKE THAT!" Naruto yelled as he ran towards them.

"SORRY!" Boruto yelled back. "Hima Just remember not to tell anyone anything from the future kay?" Boruto said to her Seriously. "Yup." Himawari replied.

"Jeez you sure run fast." Naruto compliments. "Thanks a lot stupid old MY IT SURE IS GETTING LATE!" Boruto said earning a confused look from Naruto. Himawari giggles to her brother and whispers to his ear. "Ni-chan, you're really a bad at lying." Boruto glared at her sister and placed a nervous smile to Naruto.

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