An unexpected appearance

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Chapter 13 An unexpected appearance

Warning: Theres a little bit of harsh words coming up in the chapter...its no that bad though, its just to add a little emotion. Just want to let you guys know!

"Welcome again Kagur-" Mitsuki greeted then stopped as a familiar guard catches his eyes. He looked over examining him carefully his eyes widen the guard is no other than....The brown haired guy.

Mitsuki smiled to hide his suspiciousness but watched the actions not only the guard but Kagura himself.

Sarada seemed to noticed this as she moved closer to Mitsuki and whispers to his ear "Whats up? You seemed to notice something" Sarada whispers not too loud for the others to hear but not too quite.

Mitsuki looked around and grabs the arm of Sarada and went to their sensei "Excuse us" Mitsuki bows then ran back to the bridge.

As that happened, Boruto looked quite angry when they both left which made Konohamaru chuckle.

"Someone's jealous" Konohamaru whispers to Boruto's ear.

Boruto looked over to his sensei "Not at all" he replied with light tinted cheeks then continued to give Kagura a tour.

"Where are we going M-Mitsuki?" Sarada asked panting heavily. Both him and Boruto are quite fast she needs catching up to do.

They both stopped at the bridge and Mitsuki sighed "The guard of Kagura" he replied to her.

Sarada looked over to him "Whats up with the guard?" She asked.

"Didn't you notice?" He asked.

Sarada only gave him a confused look

"Its the brown haired man, the one with Lord Chōjūrō" Mitsuki said seriously.

"Nani?" Sarada asked "How did you know that thats him?"

"When Chōjūrō showed us the island where the exam is held. You guys were to busy looking at it that you didn't noticed him. However i did".

Sarada looked to him with concern "That means...what?"

Mitsuki shakes his head "I don't know, we have to keep quite about it for now but we need to keep an eye on both the guard and Kagura"

Sarada nodded "But why also Kagura?" She asked again.

Mitsuki sighed "It seems like the brown haired man and Lord Chōjūrō who is acting suspicious has some sort of connection."

Sarada only stayed quite and listened very carefully.

"Also don't forget that it seems like someone is manipulating the Mizukage. We never know if they did the same to Kagura since he too sensed that Lord Chōjūrō is acting strange. Perhaps they already got to Kagura from preventing him to say any important clues from what caused the Mizukage's suspiciousness." Mitsuki added.

Sarada nodded "Shouldn't we at least tell Boruto or sensei?" She asked.

"Well for one Boruto talks to much he might accidentally spill it out, second if we tell sensei, he will tell it to Lord hokage which eventually will call ninjas to watch their movements making the ninjas from the mist aware and will take action." Mitsuki replied leaving Sarada surprised.

"In short, the more people we tell about the secret, the more chance it will get out" he finishes.

Sarada sighed "Fine" she replied in defeat. "Shannaroo! Two defeats in one day!" She shouted to herself.

Meanwhile at Ichiraku Ramen, Boruto and Kagura eats ramen while Konohamaru talks to some of the ninjas from the Hidden mist.

"So Kagura how was the preparations for the exam?" Boruto asked while eating.

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