Dark Side- Chapter Four

Start from the beginning

Shaun stepped back and I thought he might actually go home but that would be to practical. Instead Shaun stepped back and raised his hand in a fist; I ran forward grabbing his elbow. I wasn't going to let Chloe get punched in the face because her ex is too drunk to control himself. Chloe had her eyes closed and was pressing herself against the tree waiting for the blow, when she opened her eyes she gasped at me. Shaun looked back at me in shook too, mostly because a small thing like me was completely restraining him.

"She said go home." I told him.

"Don't tell me to do things." Shaun mumbled, his confidence completely deflating.

"I don't want to hurt you Shaun." I warned

He scoffed, "You can't hurt me."

"Try me," I smiled, "just go home."

"No! You can't. Hurt. Me." He growled

He spun and Chloe gasped again, as his fist came swinging towards my face. I smiled and shook my head, big mistake; I could take down an army so I could take a drunk down with one hit. I grabbed his fist as it was inches from my face. I looked at his shocked expression and laughed, I could break his wrist with a flick of my hand, but Chloe was watching us and I didn't want to explain it to her afterwards. He brought his other fist at me and I caught it too, I stood there with my arms crisscrossed in front of me, each one holding a fist and a smirk on my face. I brought my foot up and stomped his toe, he let out a compliant but was distracted when my knee went into his groin. He tried to lean over but I was still holding his hands. So I brought my knee up again, but this time I put it in his abdomen. I dropped his arms and stepped back, watching him fall to the ground in a ball. Chloe's hands were covering her mouth as she watched him hold himself and groan in pain.

"I told you." I smirked even more

Shaun got up and started stumbling away, trying to run a chuckled after him before turning back to Chloe. She smiled at me

"You guys broke up?" I asked

"Yes, I was tired of him doing this, ditching me than getting drunk then he'd call me and...." She trailed off gagging in disgust, "How'd you do that?"

"I took a self defence class I while ago and it's easy to beat up a drunk person." I lied

"I don't know if I'll be able to sleep after that." She sighed

"Same here." I sighed with her, "I think Cassie will though."

Chloe laughed, "Girl can sleep through anything."

We went back into the tent and found Cassie safe and sound asleep in her bed. I tucked myself back into the bed and stared at the tent walls again. Unlike what Chloe said, she was asleep in seconds.  I relaxed into the bed again praying for daylight, even if it poked at my weak spot I didn't want to be in this tent anymore it was more of a cage than anything. I sighed and turned onto my stomach, stuffing my head into the pillow. I waited there like that until I saw sunlight peaking into the tent, lighting up the walls and casting colours on everything. I smiled and sat up feeling it was a reasonable time to be up. I opened the zipper and walked out, enjoying how alive everything finally was. Cassie followed behind me, laughing at me as I spun in circles taking in everything. Chloe took the longest to wake up, we wanted to prank her but I figured she'd been through enough tonight. When she got up we started putting the tent away, Darrin and Brian showed up soon enough to help us but we were already done. The looks on their faces were priceless as they realized we did it ourselves.

"What? Shocked a girl can do this?" Cassie motioned to the tent

"No, I would never-" Brian started

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