Octavia came over, her doe eyes a stunning feature. “Jeez, your hand!”

                “It’s fine, really.” I lied, looking to Bellamy.

                “Ava, please.” He said, placing both hands on my shoulders and turning me to face him. He planted his lips on my cheek, grazing the corner of my lips and then turning around to follow those who began to hunt Charlotte.

                I watched as he slipped from my reach, and then disappeared into the darkness of the trees. As I stepped to follow, a hand on my arm stopped me. Instead of choosing force, as I could overpower Octavia if I wanted to, I complied with Bellamy and Octavia’s commands. Looking over my shoulder at the darkening forest, I followed behind Octavia to the drop ship where Jasper was applying a damp cloth to his eye, and Monty was working on connecting the wrist bands to the Arc like a radio. His first attempt had failed, but he had not given up hope.

                Octavia had me wash my hands in the water barrel set up for dishes before anything else.

                “We’ll have to wait for Clarke to stitch you up.” She explained.

                “No, I can do it.” I said, “I’ll need your help though.”

                “Okay.” She obliged, rinsing my hand of the dried blood. Blood continued to flow from my wound, but it began to slow as she rinsed at it.

                “Your brother…” I started, though I wasn’t too sure how to complete the sentence.

                Octavia looked up with her large eyes, slight worry lingering within them. She dabbed my hand dry and I clutched onto the cloth as she wrapped it around my hand. It soaked up the water and some of the blood, and we headed into the drop ship, where some lighting had been set up in order for us to see better. Fire light was not the best when it came to surgical practices.

                “He’ll always keep safe what needs to be kept safe, but he won’t always show that he cares.” Octavia finally said.

                “I have no need to be kept safe, both you and I can fend for ourselves.”

                “Yeah,” She scoffed, “Try telling Bell that.”

                “I just don’t understand him; he wants to be completely disconnected from the Arc, risking everyone’s lives, and yet he wants to save Charlotte who killed Wells.”

                “He’s lost so much, I don’t think he truly knows how to deal with this whole situation.”

                “He seems to have taken the reigns.”

                “He likes to be in control.”

                “I can tell.” I said as we climbed up top the drop ship where Jasper was with Monty.

                “How close are you two?” Octavia asked as she grabbed the first aid kit; it was measly and nearly empty, but there was a needle.

                “I’ll need the thinnest wire you can find.” I said, then addressed her question, “It’s hard to say with him; I mean, how close can one get to Bellamy Blake?”

                Octavia smiled, “I’ll go find some wire.” She ducked down the hatch and I took a seat next to Jasper. Leaning against the wall, I rested my eyes, hoping that the others would be okay outside of the camp wall; it was dangerous out there during the day, and probably more so in the darkness of a moonless night. Nights were already getting colder; winter was coming soon and we didn’t have a damn thing to keep us safe from grounders, let alone the winters that we had no idea how harsh it would be. Danger lurked around every corner, and we had no advantage from any angle. We weren’t skilled in the areas of Earth; Grounders were. We never dealt with harsh weather; Grounders had. There was so much we had to learn, and we would probably never get the chance to do so.

                “Bellamy, really?” Jasper’s voice startled me.

                “At least I’m aiming for something I can get.” I snapped, harsher than I had expected.

                “Ouch.” He replied, sighing when he realized that I might be right.

                “We’re stuck on Earth, we’re going to start getting close to one another whether others like it or not.” I concluded, smiling as Octavia came back up with some copper wire.

Thanks everyone for reaching the quota of 5 votes and 3 comments, please keep it up! xo

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