Demi chuckled and walked over, and helped me get dressed

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Demi chuckled and walked over, and helped me get dressed.

After she was done I sat down and watched as she got dressed.

She pulled out a black dress, a pair of heels to go along, a pair of earrings, a necklace and a little clutch like purse

(Demi's outfit)

I smiled as Demi got dressed, she came over when she was done and helped me up

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I smiled as Demi got dressed, she came over when she was done and helped me up. I stood up and wrapped my arm around her and leaned against her.

"I'm gonna get us a cab instead of us driving." Demi kissed my neck and pulled out her phone and called a cab.

We walked down stairs and Demi grabbed her keys and locked the door. We stood out front for a bit til the cab came.

Once in the cab I leaned against Demi's shoulder. She grabbed my hand and rubbed her thumb over it.

"you're nervous aren't you?" I nodded my head and held out my free hand, my hand was shaking a lot and it didn't seem like it was gonna calm down or stop.

"I'm scared something could happen, or that someone could hit on you" Demi chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

"You don't have to worry, if anyone hits on me I'll pull you close and hold you" I nodded and felt my body relax a bit.

The cab pulled up to the club and we got out, Demi paid the driver and grabbed my hand as we walked in.

There was a lot of people. I felt my body start to panic and I could tell this night wasn't going to end okay.

Demi linked her arm with mine and we walked over to a certain part of the club. As we got closer I could see Camila and Lauren sitting at a large table with a few guys around them as well as a few other women.

"Demi, Max, I was wondering when you guys were gonna get here!" Lauren got up with a smile and hugged us both.

I looked at two of the guys, they both had a smirk on their faces as they looked Demi up and down.

Demi tapped my arm and I looked up, she motioned for me to follow and I did.

Demi sat down and instantly pulled me in between her legs. I sat on the edge of the seat and rested my arms on the table.

"Honestly we might not of even come if Max hadn't reminded me. I forgot all about it" Demi gave me a kiss on the neck and wrapped her left arm around my waist.

Everyone laughed and conversation kept going.

After a while Lauren nudged one of the guys and pointed to the bar.

"go get everybody some drinks, except Demi", The guy nodded as her walked away, though the club was loud Lauren yelled over everything, "THANKS NICK!" Demi pulled me closer and her left hand found its way down to my thigh.

Demi got close to my ear and whispered. "I don't want you drinking because you're underage, BUT I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you most likely will spit it out" I turned my head a little and shook it.

"My dad used to give me alcohol when I was little, it was his way of shutting me up." I shrugged and leaned against Demi.

I heard Demi let out a growl over the noise of the club.

"Listen to me baby, I really don't want you drinking tonight, it would make mommy very happy if you didn't, so please don't" I nodded my head and let out a sigh.

Demi kissed my neck and whispered "good girl" In my ear.

I looked around at the club and just checked out what was in there.

It seemed to be mostly men that were here, most seemed to have a girl or seemed to be looking for a girl.

A few seconds later the guy named Nick came back over with a tray of drinks.

He handed everyone a drink and held one out to me, Demi quickly pushed it away and shook her head.

Everyone drank for another hour and a lot of people started to leave. Lauren smiled as the last group of guys left.

She stood up with Camila right behind her.

Demi patted the side of my ass and had me stand up as well. Everyone followed her to the a door on the far side of the club. I held Demi's hand as we went down long hallway.

We got to the end and I felt all of my thoughts fly straight to the window.

At the end of the hall was a HUGE room filled with sex toys, whips, paddles, and a bunch of other stuff.

Demi turned and looked at me and laughed, Lauren turned around and saw my reaction.

"She has only saw some of the stuff I have, this is blowing her mind right now." Demi wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me further into the room.

Lauren nodded and motioned for the guys to leave.

The guys said their good byes and left the room, closing the door behind them.

Demi let go of my waist and Lauren had Camila come over and stand next to me.

I looked at Demi and felt confused until Lauren spoke.

"sweetie you know the drill" Lauren said to Camila. Camila nodded and started to get undressed. I looked at Demi with confusion on my face.

Demi came over and stood in front of me.

"You don't have to worry, you don't have to participate unless you want to." I slowly nodded and held onto Demi.

I looked over at Camila and saw that she was completely bare except for a pair of socks.

I quickly turned my head and rested it on Demi shoulder.

"I'm assuming its a no-go for her?" Lauren questioned. I felt Demi nod and then she lead me over to a couch.

Demi sat down and pulled me against her. I watched as Lauren placed a collar around Camila's neck.

I snuggled into Demi and pulled my feet up.

Demi laughed and grabbed the big blanket from behind us. She placed it on our laps and placed slid her hand into my pants.

I let out a small yelp and hid my face in her neck. Demi chuckled and got close to my ear.

"Its okay honey, enjoy the show from them and the pleasure from me"

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