Max keep on following them,don't leave them alone,ask all the body-guards to be around them...i ordered him.

And asked Max to be in touch with me.

Max was on a conference call with me.

Sir,where this Aryan came in middle....he spoke.

What Aryan ?What is he doing now here,that to outside of Sanyu's house?

Max,go near Sanyu and tell her that I had appointed you as her security guard,go fast near her....i spoke and Max did i had aske dhim to do.

In no,second Max was travelling with Sanyu to market.

First,Sanyu was suspiciuous but later on gave in as she knew that how much I trusted Max and why i had sent Max for her security.

Completing all the shopping with Max and Pinky,Sanyu and Trisha were dropped home safely by Max.

I asked Max to be near her house as now i started to get some on Aryan like how can he know that Sanyu is going out? How can he come near her house only at the time when she was going out?What all is cooking n his mind?

I was clear that i need to keep special attention on this Aryan.

I called Aman and Max asking them to join on conference.

Sir,i was going you just now as i have got something think to inform him....Max spoke up.

Go on,Max .....i asked him.

Sir,behind all this kidnapping and all there is .........Max was going to speak but he stopped suddenly.

What happened Max speak up who was behind all this?....i asked as i wanted to know who is behind all this.

Instead of speaking he hanged up the call.

Fear,began to engulf me again.

i was getting impatient with passing time.

I was not getting what should i do.

Suddenly,my phone buzzed with Max's number and i picked up it without nay delay.

Sir,behind all this is Aryan and it's confirmed....he spoke.

What?...i replied.

Yes,sir he is the one,he had kidnapped Trisha baby,then all the kidnappings were planned by him,then only had threatened you so that you would return to London and he is the one who had done all the scams in company,that day too he was searching for the marketing file so that he can try to indulge Sanyukta ma'am in something,he had appointed his men to  keep an eye on Sanyukta ma'am and baby,he knows all the happenings around here,infact he even know that you and Sanyukta ma'am knew each other.....Max wa speaking and I was trying to absorb what all he was speaking.

Infact,the day you insulted him because of Sanyukta ma'am he decided to take revenge on you and he always was trying his best so that he can patch up with ma'am ...Max contiuned all.

I love her and she is mine and princess too...i replied to him with a tinge of possessiveness.

Sir,I hanged up now i saw that someone was trying to sneak inside Sanyukta ma'am's house and that was none other than one of his men who was keeping an eye on them.

I had already got to know this and just wanted to confirm so i waited from yesterday you left...he spoke to me.

I trust you Max and no need to feel gulity,now Aryan is gone as he had been playing worst game and now he is going to suffer the worst,get ready Aryan i will make you suffer and will make you cry ,as you  had made sanyu and Trisha cry....i spoke to Max and took next flight so that i owuld reach to Mumabi immediately.

I'm going to kill you Aryan...i sounded angryily looking at my watch.

I will reach by evening and will directly go to meet Sanyu and Trisha.

End of Randhir's pov..

At the


Sanyukta was going to feed Trisha her food but Trisha instead of gulping down the morsel began to throw all her food.

Sanyukta tried her best but Trisha became unconscious.
She immediately rushed with Trisha in her arms to hospital.

Doctor checked upon Trisha.

Doctor,what happened ?....Sanyu asked.

She needs to be treated immediately.....Doctor spoke.

I will arrange for her operation,get the money deposited soon....Doctor spoke and walked away.

Still there was time for her salary and the money Aryan had assured will take 5 to 5 days more and Sanyu can't risk now Trisha's life more.

Sanyu called up Aryan thinking that he might help her but his phone was getting busy.

From,past 1 hour she was trying but there wa no response from Aryan and in this city she was new she didn't knew anyone from whom she would ask for help.

Randhir's name clicked her,but she don't want him to drag him in her shattered life and get him in trouble as she too herself don't knew when will she be changing this city.

Max who had saw Sanyu running out of the home followed her and got to know ABOUT Trisha.

He informed Randhir who had just landed on airport.
Randhir panicked and was angry.He rushed to hospital.

Ma'am,get the money deposited fast spoke to Sanyu.

Sanyu was going to spoke but a loud familiar voice hit her ear-drums of Randhir.

Doctor,start the operation and dont worry about money,just make my princess is safe ......Randhir spoke and doctor left towards operation ward.

Randhir walked towards Sanyu who was sitting motionlessly.

Sensing that Randhir was beside her she hugged him tightly and began to cry.

Randhir ,baby .....Sanyu was sobbing.

She will be fine ....I assured her controlling my own tears.

Next after 130 + votes..

Finally,Truth is out !

What next ?
Sandhir ki marriage or what ?

Next part depends on votes and comments...

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